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Project Pengyou Launch in Beijing

Last night Stephen and I did a bit of networking at a bit of a cross cultural international diplomacy NGO type affair here in Beijing.  It was the launch ceremony for 'Project Pengyou' ( http://projectpengyou.com/). which is described as -

Project Pengyou is a global community of Americans who have lived and stud...Read more

almost 13 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares

Fareast Movement in Hong Kong - Dec 5, 2011

Fareast Movement in Hong Kong... crazy night!

24Herbs was the opening act.

They did a great job of course.   Being an opening act is not easy sometimes, but they got the crowd going.

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almost 13 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares

Asian Film Review: Dog x Police: The K9 Force (DOG×POLICE 純白の絆, 2011)

While in Tokyo for the TIFF I watched a screening of the Japanese film 'Dog x Police'. It's about a Tokyo policeman who gets transferred to the K9 unit after leaving his post to chase a suspect.  The down on his luck officer gets paired with a sickly albino dog that no one thinks has what it takes to be a police dog.  And guess who teaches ...Read more

almost 13 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Asian Film Review: "Detective K" (조선명탐정: 각시투구꽃의 비밀, 2010)

Korean action-comedy-detective film set in the Joseon period.  The King appoints a secret investigation of embezzlement within the government.  The detective, played by Kim Myeong-min (김명민) is half Sherlock Holmes and half Inspector Clouseau....   As you can imagine,  the further he investigates the more people try to stop him uncovering the truth.

...Read more
almost 13 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares

Dead Not Alive Halloween 2011 - Part 3 - Etchy's behind the scenes pics

Actually the title is a misnomer... these are mostly 'in front of the scenes pics....

As my photo taking was quite haphazard and inconsistent, these aren't in any particular order...

Did I mention the party was super full w/ people?   A few lame-O's without costumes snuck in here and there... (i'm talking about yo...Read more

almost 13 years ago 0 likes  5 comments  0 shares

Dead Not Alive Halloween 2011 - Part 1 - My Steve Jobs Costume

I'm still in recovery mode from the Halloween party on Saturday night.    Not much time to blog about the party yet... but....

As you may have seen in my last blog, I did a very simple yet timely (or perhaps tastelessly timed) costume that was a big hit.  Sooo many people asking to take pictures with me, etc....

Here's a few pics from Read more

almost 13 years ago 0 likes  10 comments  0 shares

Asian Film Review: "Kaiji 2" (カイジ, 2011)

I was fortunate enough to see an early screening of "Kaiji 2" a week before its official release in theaters in Japan.

The first Kaiji (which you may remember from such 7 out of 10 Etchy film reviews as this one)  was an 2009 adaptation of a Japanese manga starring...Read more

almost 13 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares

US Movie Review: "The Conspirator" (2010)

Historical courtroom drama directed by Robert Redford about the case of Mary Surratt,  one of the people charged in the conspiracy to assassinate Abraham Lincoln at the end of the Civil War.  You may not be aware, but the plot was much broader than just John Wilkes Booth shooting Lincoln in Ford's Theater that night.  Other conspirators attempted to kill the VP and...Read more

almost 13 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares

HTC Rock Ur Beats Event in Hong Kong

Last night I went to a launch event for HTC held at the W Hotel in Hong Kong.   They were promoting their new Beats Audio collaboration and the HTC Sensation XL phone.

I didn't bring my nicer camera, so I took these on my mobile camera (from a competing iBrand...) :-P

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almost 13 years ago 0 likes  6 comments  0 shares

US Movie Review: "Your Highness" (2011)

Another one that never made it to HK in the theater.  I was able to find it on DVD though:

I like Danny McBride,  I like Natalie Portman,  I can tolerate James Franco too....  so should be an entertaining period comedy, right? 

Well  its definitely not a goodmovie....  but it is entertaining enough to sit through if you are a fan of this kind of humor....Read more

almost 13 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares


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