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Dead Not Alive Halloween 2011 - Part 3 - Etchy's behind the scenes pics

Actually the title is a misnomer... these are mostly 'in front of the scenes pics....

As my photo taking was quite haphazard and inconsistent, these aren't in any particular order...

Did I mention the party was super full w/ people?   A few lame-O's without costumes snuck in here and there... (i'm talking about you guy on the right side)

I didn't take pics of most of our decorations, here's one the Zuma guys did in the sushi counter....  yes, they changed the ice before the next meal service.... i hope. :-P

DJ Suki Wong.  She's quite nice.

The one and only Jeana Ho.  My new favorite model in all of HK.... she also was quite a nice person,  a good DJ and party animal!   ;-)

and as you can see, popular with the press!

It wasn't in the other pics I posted two days ago, but I also busted out the "Hello My Name is Steve" stickers for those who didn't quite get the costume at first glance.  (there were a few...)

Patrick with Simon Birch and birthday girl Ana R.  Happy Birthday Ana!  (must be a mixed blessing having your birthday so close to Halloween every year...)

Once the peak hour had passed and the mob at the door was safely inside...  "Steve" ended up dancing the night away  with these three nice young ladies who happen to be wearing maid costumes very similar to those sold at Don Quixote in Japan....   coincidence?

Thanks to Ian for a great job in keeping (most) things running smoothly.  A few snafus with the power and elevators... but overall no huge disasters.

Thanks to Yami for all his help and of course Ta-Shi for flying down from Japan to support our event.

"Steve" insisted on a group DJ pic (this was before the party started actually).  

If you haven't seen the official pics yet, check them out here:


Video of the party should be ready sooner or later. stay tuned! ;-)

almost 13 years ago 0 likes  5 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
Ha ha. A gory episode!
almost 13 years ago
Photo 80575
Wow! Steve Jobs in da house! I knew he didn't die - just like Elvis!
almost 13 years ago
Elena dd unset 18
HAHHAHAA nice decoration fr my face
almost 13 years ago
Elena dd unset 18
WO! u took a lots pic!
almost 13 years ago


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