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Patrick's Birthday Party 2009 - Macau Strikes Back

Patrick's birthday last year was a pretty bigdeal.   we had to out do it for 2009!    Our good friends at the Sands Casino in Macau were nice enough to help us with this... together we organized a big big party at the Sands' lounge called 'The View'.    Its a pimpin' venue for sure.


Lots of other people have blogged about the event already (see pat's blog for a collection of links),  but here's a few of my pics to add.

Oh snap,  the sign!  Winnie is impressed! ;-)

even the bus! Sands rocks! ;-)

We went to watch Desmond Pang's performance in the Xanadu lounge in the casino and then headed up to the party at 'The View', Sand's VIP lounge on top of the hotel (24th floor i believe!)

It's actually really sweet.  I should have taken more pictures of just the venue...

The first of many Remy Martin's... ;-)

My friend Asami came down w/ her friend Aya:

oh snap, the Onimal!

at 12 we did a bit of a birthday ceremony:

Pat was held in position...   nice cake! thanks again to Fiona for hooking that up!

Actually it was several people's birthday all at once... (when you have 100 people, there's a good chance 2 of them will have a birthday in the same week... ) , in this casesimon, eric, michael, grace, juju, and vicky... above average!

the cool thing was that the Sands' big wigs were all there too...   nice!

Great turnout from friends and associates:

Andrew and Race

Midori and Reni



Mack Daddy Antonio and Paul

Race, Grace and Desmond!

Of course with that many people and that much alcohol... things were going to start getting a bit messy:

J.to, happy drunk and Bob

Ana S! OK,  i think anyone would be happy even w/o the alcohol...

These beautiful Australian ladies, known as the Glamour Girls are currently dancing at the Xanadu lounge. They were cool to hang with us! ;-)

First of many times Pat was seen on the go-go dancer platform...

I think this was the second time...

Simon looked much more comfortable up there!

Eventually the alcohol caught up with Pat:

but not the photo taking...

In the better late than never category:

Party animal Jun Kung,  who made it to X Japan and then came out to Macau for the party!

I'm not a big fan of moving locations when out partying... but eventually we relocated to another club, Cubic for the after party. ;-)

They have nice lasers... 

lots of dancing, drinking, etc...   we were out til... who knows when. ;-)

Jun was still going strong til the lights came on. :-D

somehow we ended up in a Karaoke room upstairs after this... I left around 7am...  lots of funny stories happened after this but of course I can't share those online! 

If you really want to know ask me in person next time. ;-)

The next morning (actually only a few hours later) we had to check out...  Stephen organized a lunch at some famous Portuguese place:

aye caramba...   heavy stuff after a hard night out...  I would have preferred something lighter.... Egg McMuffins...   :-P

Thanks again to everyone who came and special thanks to the Sands and Venetian!

15 年多 前 0 赞s  25 评论s  0 shares
I really can't remember when did I take this pic @_@
15 年多 ago
Photo 61114
Doooh too bad I missed breakfast with you guys! Didn't check out til 2pm hehe!
15 年多 ago
The woman in the lower left makes this photo...
15 年多 ago
Photo 55108
shit ... this picture has got me thinking .... were mea Reni seperated at birth .... he looks so lovely!
15 年多 ago
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patrick - your shirts match too!
15 年多 ago
Photo 80548
wow, great! a bus tour!!
15 年多 ago
wow ... happy you !!!
15 年多 ago
Photo 261052
Wow!!! What a night!! We'll try to beat that next year!!! Hehehe
15 年多 ago


I work at alivenotdead.com. Please check out my blogs and leave a comment!


Hong Kong
April 13, 2007