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2nd Anniversary Party Performances Hightlights

i'm super tired right now (typing this up while waiting for some 5/12 videos to upload),  but i'll try to put some words in between these pics while i wait...

This are the rest of my pics from last Saturday's Alivenotdead.com 2nd Anniversary Party.  I've done the pre-,  i've done the signing board,  here are the performance ones.  ;-)


Terence introing the night's entertainment program

Evccentric took the tough job that no one else wanted - first band

Loretta from AIDS Concern

giving awards to 24Herbs for their help with the safe sex single giveaway.

Gong Wu


Action shot

i couldn't get a good picture of killer soap,  Kevin kept turning away whenever i was about to snap a photo

24Herbs definitely got the crowd going

when they performed you couldn't walk. all the smokers came inside too. :-P

not sure exactly why...

but Conroy demonstrates why they call it a 'big boy'....

beautiful people.  (plus justin).  :-P

we did a cake cutting ceremony too:

Sir Terence is knighting people with his sword...

andrew and conroy joined us on stage.  too bad no daniel! :-P

i'm going to steal one of Eva's pictures, since she was at the right spot to get the money shot:

here's what the cake looked like.  Thanks to Complete Deelite for the last minute order.  and I should note that the CAKE was the only thing that arrived on time before the show the whole day. :-D

Hardpack takes the stage

Li-Tong makes a surprise appearence on stage... all the way from Shanghai!

Ryan did a guest appearence during the Hardpack set too.

he was really rocking! 

last up was Josie,  along with Adrian and Don in the band. 

intense! :-D

we wrapped up with Enso DJing the last hour... I think after the 4+ hours of rockin',  most people were pretty tuckered out by then...

the outside of Jardine house was a huge mess too...  smokers! :-P

Last but not least:

it wouldn't be a big AnD party without Patrick drinking too much and taking some embarassing photos... 

over 15 years ago 0 likes  23 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
i should note that thats a breathalizer in his hand and the 'score' is 0.05%, which actually isn't that high...
over 15 years ago
Photo 55061
HAHAHA! I am sorry for that, what a coincidence !! Thanks for the picture! Kevin
over 15 years ago
Li tong 2014 2 photo by fion cao
Patrick is just hilarious!!! :D
over 15 years ago


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