今天是“网聚国威力量,助威中国武术”线上活动开通的日子。中国“方正集团”是我们中国武术队的主要赞助商,他们通过国家武术管理中心的领导找了北京武术队。我很幸运,能有机会为这次活动的宣传尽一份自己的力量。这个活动会在腾讯QQ网上( www.qq.com )进行十天,打开腾讯的主页,你就可以在那个移动窗口看到我把一个小鼠标变成了枪,呵呵。。。这是我第一次为某活动拍广告,觉得很有意思,希望有时间能够通过更多的机会去锻炼自己。
The Founder Group is the main sponsor of the Chinese National Wushu Team. The Chinese Wushu Federation put them in touch with the Beijing Wushu team, and i was lucky enough to do a videoshoot for an ad for them on www.qq.com, an awesome chat group used by pretty much any Chinese person who has access to the internet (if you don't what qq.com is, you must have been living in a cave since the advent of the internet). hehe ...
when you go to qq.com you can see me on a popup screen catch the cursor and turn it into a spear and play with it. it was a really good experience for me because it was my first time working with media folks. they told me to do my spear moves because i was going to be catching the mouse cursor on the screen and doing spear play with it. during the video shoot (about 6 hours altogether) i didn't actually have a spear because it was added digitally.i hope i have more chances like this in the future.
(i was pretending to hold a spear in my hand .我在假装手里拿着枪,摆pose.)
Though wushu didin't become an olympic sport yet, i hope all my brothers and sisters out there will continue to give support to chinese wushu all over the world.
(Thanks for James helped me to traslated my blog ...)
Here is the greeN screen i worked on . we set it up in the wushu train hall in shichahai sports school. (广告在什刹海的武术馆里搭好的绿背景下拍摄)
这就是我在腾讯网上的那个小广告的flash ...
Here is the flash file of the advertisement ...
天下风云出我辈,一入江湖岁月催。 宏图霸业谈笑中,不胜人生一场醉。 吴迪的新浪微博:http://t.sina.com.cn/invincibleadi 工作邮箱E-mail:invinciblespear@gmail.com