As what i mentioned from last blog , Here is the video of our wushu perofrmance from the Beijing Shichahai sports school 50th anniversary.i dont know if u like the song or not ... its a chinese style song , named " Jing zhong bao guo ". The 2008 nationals competition is coming up ,we didn't have much time to practice the show actully , so we only practiced the show once together ... and i think we did not bad though, i hope u will like !!! :-)
这是我的教练“卢金明”。My coach of the Beijing wushu team " Lu jinming"
在此要感谢所有的好兄弟们配合我完成了出色的表演,谢谢大家!I wanna say thanks to all my brothers who helped me to finished the performance , thank you so much !
这个音乐视频的录像,是我在这次什刹海体校50年校庆典礼上的表演。这是一首中国风很浓的歌曲,原唱是“屠洪纲”。可能因为我是练武术的,从小到大没少听他的歌,有时候听的太多了,都会觉得恶心,O(∩_∩)O哈哈~。因为在我小的时候,总是有很多商业的,非商业的表演,几乎每次都会用他的歌作为背景音乐。但是真的自己去唱他的这首歌还是第一次!屠洪纲是唱京剧出身,他的底气很足。每句都字正腔圆,刚中带柔,对这首歌的掌握已经到了极致。唱他的歌,确实感到压力很大。不过没办法。因为台下的大部分领导都是中年人,我在那唱《GIMME THAT》。那帮“大叔领导们”肯定听不懂。所以为了能够得到现场观众的认可,我只有“赶鸭子上架了”。勉强去唱好吧。有不尽人意的地方,还请专家们多多包涵!我以后会继续努力的。。。:)
The video is from . its a chinese website , so maybe its better for chinese people to watch it , for those friends who living in abroad , maybe kind slow ! i already tryed to put up the video on . but the internet of my school is really sucks !!! couldn't make it to up load the video on youtube ! but if some friends there can't watch the videos , please let me know , and i will find a way to put it up on youtube as soon as passible !!! thank you so much for the surpport as always !!! :-)
天下风云出我辈,一入江湖岁月催。 宏图霸业谈笑中,不胜人生一场醉。 吴迪的新浪微博: 工作邮箱