演员, 模特儿
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18 Hour Trip to Chaozhou|★★ 潮州 18 小時之旅 ★★|★★ 潮州 18 小时之旅 ★★

I went over to Chaozhou for the past few days.

It's great to have work!  But as wingyin mama and I found out that there is a 5 hour drive from Shenzhen to Chaozhou, we couldn't help but to stay idle.  If there was a traffic jam, it might even take 8 hours....OH MY GOD......

So in order to kill some time during this long travel, I brought my Ipod and listened to some music.  It feels just like travelling with a tour group!!

Got in the car at 3:30pm.  I was able to get some brief moment of rest after travelling for 3 hours.  Went to the washroom and bought some snacks.

From the moment I left the vehicle, my whole body was aching.

At 8:45pm, we finally arrived at the performing venue...

It was originally planned for one show but it was changed to a two-parter.

Time was getting tight...so I grabbed a quick bite and began to put on my cosmetics and switch wardrobe.

It was my first time doing an outdoor performance and it felt.......EXTREMELY HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Then I went back to my hotel room for a break and waited for the next performance...

Oops...I've waited and sat down...I became very tired from sitting down so much today.

After an hour and a half, the second performance was now indoors.

And that felt...even WORSE than outdoors!!!

This was due to the many audiences that kept the venue packed.

Their focus and enthusiasm was increasing by the minute!!

It was already 1:30am once the shows were done.

Wingyin mama and I left the venue, looking extremely tired...

Slept and woke up...slept again...woke up again...

We encountered a huge traffic jam on the highway at 4:30am in the morning.

We couldn't take it...my fellow co-workers had to step out of the car for a quick smoking break.

wakakaka...This is the first time I've ever shot a photo of myself in the highway!! I looked at the watch I was wearing and it was already 5:45am. 

How long will it take for me arrive back to Shenzhen?!

At this moment, I was starving.  I was craving for my instant noodles with eggs, sunny-side up and an ice-cold glass of milk tea.  Finally, at 8am, wingyin mama and I returned to Hong Kong via the Sheung Shui station.

And thus, my 18 hour trip to Chaozhou has ended!!

Here, I'd like to thank my good friends who has taken much concern over me...

They sang with me at the karaoke for practice just a couple of week before I left.

This has caused me to go to work just a few days before the performance.

Thx all of you!|

前幾天 .. 到潮州登台 ..

有工作做當然開心啊 !! 但當我和 wingyin mama 知道由深圳到潮州車程最少五小時後 .. 也不禁 " 呆一呆 "  ~~ 若然是交通擠塞 .. 可能要八小時 ... Oh My God ..

為了打發長途車程的時間 , 我已帶定 ipod去聽  , 感覺好像跟旅行團旅行一樣啊 !!

下午 330 深圳上車 , 坐了三小時後才有一個休息站可停下抖抖 , 去個洗手間及買點零食品 ..

下車那刻真是腳仔也軟 , 腰酸背痛啊 !!

晚上 845 終於抵達表演場地了 ..

本來表演的一場 show .. 變為兩 part ..

時間變得很趕 .. 扒了兩口晚飯就要去化粧換衫了 ..

第一次戶外表演 , 感覺是 ... """"" 很熱啊 !! """""

之後返回酒店房間休息 .. 等下一場演出 ..

Opps .. 又等 .. 又坐 .. 今日已坐得很累啦 !!

一個半鐘後的第二場演出是室內地方 ..

感覺是 """"" 比戶外更熱啊 !!!! """""" 

因為場內觀眾很多 , 擠逼得很 .. 他們的熱情和投入度是較高漲的 !!

表演完後已是凌晨  0130了 ..

我和wingyin mama帶著疲累的身軀上車離開 ..

睡醒 .. 再睡 .. 再醒 .. 凌晨0430的公路上遇上大塞車 ..

頂不住了 .. 一眾同事們也要下車抽一口煙 ..

wakakaka .. 我人生也是第一次在高速公路上拍照啊 !!

望見自己手上的腕錶 .. 已是凌是 0545 .. 我還有多久才到達深圳呢 ??

此刻 .. 很肚餓 .. 很想吃 " 太陽蛋牛公仔麵 + 一杯凍奶茶 " ..

終於 .. 早上0800 .. 我和wingyin mama 返到香港的上水車站了 ..

潮州 18小時之旅亦告結束 !!

在此亦要感激一班愛鍚雲妮小妹的好朋友 ..

在我登台前的兩晚陪我去卡拉OK練歌 ..

弄到大家第二天也累累的去工作 ..

Thx all of you !!


前几天 .. 到潮州登台 .. 有工作做当然开心啊 !! 但当我和 wingyin mama 知道由深圳到潮州车程最少五小时後 .. 也不禁 " 呆一呆 "  ~~ 若然是交通挤塞 .. 可能要八小时 ... Oh My God .. 为了打发长途车程的时间 , 我已带定 ipod去听  , 感觉好像跟旅行团旅行一样啊 !! 下午 330 深圳上车 , 坐了三小时後才有一个休息站可停下抖抖 , 去个洗手间及买点零食品 .. 下车那刻真是脚仔也软 , 腰酸背痛啊 !! 晚上 845 终於抵达表演场地了 .. 本来表演的一场 show .. 变为两 part .. 时间变得很赶 .. 扒了两口晚饭就要去化妆换衫了 .. 第一次户外表演 , 感觉是 ... """"" 很热啊 !! """"" 之後返回酒店房间休息 .. 等下一场演出 .. Opps .. 又等 .. 又坐 .. 今日已坐得很累啦 !! 一个半钟後的第二场演出是室内地方 .. 感觉是 """"" 比户外更热啊 !!!! """"""  因为场内观众很多 , 挤逼得很 .. 他们的热情和投入度是较高涨的 !! 表演完後已是凌晨  0130了 .. 我和wingyin mama带着疲累的身躯上车离开 .. 睡醒 .. 再睡 .. 再醒 .. 凌晨0430的公路上遇上大塞车 .. 顶不住了 .. 一众同事们也要下车抽一口烟 .. wakakaka .. 我人生也是第一次在高速公路上拍照啊 !! 望见自己手上的腕表 .. 已是凌是 0545 .. 我还有多久才到达深圳呢 ?? 此刻 .. 很肚饿 .. 很想吃 " 太阳蛋牛公仔面 + 一杯冻奶茶 " .. 终於 .. 早上0800 .. 我和wingyin mama 返到香港的上水车站了 .. 潮州 18小时之旅亦告结束 !! 在此亦要感激一班爱鍚云妮小妹的好朋友 .. 在我登台前的两晚陪我去卡拉OK练歌 .. 弄到大家第二天也累累的去工作 .. Thx all of you !!  

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go winnie! ;-)
大约 15 年 ago
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你好~梁敏仪 我来自马来西亚。 愿你有个愉快的人生~ 加油~
大约 15 年 ago
Photo 327437
大约 15 年 ago



Hong Kong
August 7, 2007