Victor Chen
Actor , Martial Arts, Wrestling or Boxing , Sports Coach
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Always Be Yourself

It's that time again to re-visit this great platform which I have been so behind on and give a little insight into what life has been like in Cali since returning back from Asia this past summer.

Well the first thing is working as much as I can get booked in terms of promotional events and they come in go in spurts. The amount of work to promote a product or whatnot is tremendous but working it as a brand ambassador or aka "promos" as it's known in the biz, is fun and sporadic.

Some weeks it is a full on, 7 days per week job and then some weeks it is dead quiet. But the plus side is I ca be myself. I do not need to pretend to impress anyone or any company, rather be who I am in providing great customer service to customers. This is the fun personality that I was born with and it has been good luck on my side to be able to do so with promotions.

Now setting that aside, I am still training everyday. Whether it be a long day from an event, I have always made time to run, go to hit the bag or something with physical activity to increase my mental and physical power in becoming a better human being. This is the only way I know how and honestly it's what I am good at.

So what's the point of me blabbing on here then? it is to express the idea of always being active and proactive. Never settling to just the mundane repetition of a boring lifestyle. Whatever works for you, keep at it. This is something I am still learning and as the saying goes, easier said than done.

But I am using the momentum of training, promotions, getting some exposure now matter how big or small so someone out there is "Hollywood" can see that there is no limitation on talent. It comes in all forms.

I motivate myself because in reality, it is you who has to do all the work to achieve success in life. No matter how much help one offers or says they will offer, it boils down to you alone to take the step and try.

The most effective quote that keeps me focused is by no other than Bruce Lee "always express yourself and have faith in yourself. do not go out and duplicate another..."

over 11 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares


Martial Artist, International Traveler, Fitness Maniac, action actor aspirations and a crazy love of eating too many peanuts & almonds...

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english, cantonese, mandarin
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United States
Member Since
November 2, 2009