演员, 导演, 歌手
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I've always been a big fan of K-1, the first time I was introduced to it was through Mr. Daniel Lee. This was when I was shooting Star Runner. I thought the idea of being able to mix any type of stand up martial arts in a tournament is a phenomenal idea. Thank you to Morning Chao, and Lynny lynn~ for hookin me up with this opportunity, and the super duper seats! Yo 30 tickets no questions asked...nuff said....GOD is FANSPANKINTABULOUS~~~~!!!! um...jimmy....it's K-1...not K-2....... Onimal you were there in spirit...see the Taiwan beer....Ya feel~!!!?

The man on the phone reminds me of Phil....when he's suppose to be coaching the man in the red trunks......he's not...instead he's on phone asking about when his internet service is going to come back after being cancelled from watching to many illegal p*@# sites....to bad for the man in red trunks......unfortunately he wasn't aware, he was about to get his ass served to him by a knee cap in.....

.......in in in......DA FACE~!!!.....let's just say.....I cringed.......

me trying to capture the moment of excitement during the last fight.......but......I failed...... for some reason, the confetti reminded me of lucky charms cereal~mmmmm..........I miss~

我一直是K-1的大粉絲,第一次介紹我去看的是 李仁港先生,那時我正在拍《少年阿虎》。在一個錦標賽中融合幾乎所有武術項目真是絕頂好主意。謝謝Morning Chao和Lynny lynn提供的觀賞機會,以及超級棒的座位!輕輕松松拿到30張票…可以說…上帝真是頂呱呱~~~~!!!!






我一直是K-1的大粉丝,第一次介绍我去看的是李仁港先生,那时我正在拍《少年阿虎》。在一个锦标赛中融合几乎所有武术项目真是绝顶好主意。谢谢Morning Chao和Lynny lynn提供的观赏机会,以及超级棒的座位!轻轻松松拿到30张票…可以说…上帝真是顶呱呱~~~~!!!!







僕はずっとK-1の大ファンだったんだよ。最初にダニエル・リーさんから紹介されたんだ。トーナメントでどんな種類の格闘技でも混合対戦できるというのは すばらしいアイデアだと思ったね。Morning Chaoと Lynny lynn、ありがとね~、この機会と超特等席を用意してくれて!


う~ん、ジミー・・K-1だってば・・K-2じゃないっつの・・・. オニマル、お前がいたら・・て思ったりして・・・ほら、台湾ビールだよ・・・どう~!!?

電話中の男みてフィル思い出した・・・・赤いトランクスはいたヤツ コーチしてないといけないときなのに・・・・いや、彼は違う・・・じゃなくて、彼のイ ンターネットサービスが多くの違法な の*@# きサイトを見るのを中止していつトランクスに復帰するのかを電話で尋ねていたのだった・・・・赤いヤツとっては不運だった・・不幸なことに、彼は気がつい てなかった・・・膝蹴りが入ろうとしてた・・・が、が、が・・顔面に~!!!


最終決戦の間、興奮の瞬間を捕らえようとしている僕・・・・でも・・・ミスった・・・・ どういうわけだか、紙ふぶき見たらLucky Charm のシリアル思い出しちゃった・・・


        |I've always been a big fan of K-1, the first time I was introduced to

it was through Mr. Daniel Lee. This was when I was shooting Star Runner. I thought the idea of being able to mix any type of stand up martial arts in a tournament is a phenomenal idea. Thank you to Morning Chao, and Lynny lynn~ for hookin me up with this opportunity, and the super duper seats! Yo 30 tickets no questions asked...nuff said....GOD is FANSPANKINTABULOUS~~~~!!!! um...jimmy....it's K-1...not K-2....... Onimal you were there in spirit...see the Taiwan beer....Ya feel~!!!?

The man on the phone reminds me of Phil....when he's suppose to be coaching the man in the red trunks......he's not...instead he's on phone asking about when his internet service is going to come back after being cancelled from watching to many illegal p*@# sites....to bad for the man in red trunks......unfortunately he wasn't aware, he was about to get his ass served to him by a knee cap in.....

.......in in in......DA FACE~!!!.....let's just say.....I cringed.......

me trying to capture the moment of excitement during the last fight.......but......I failed...... for some reason, the confetti reminded me of lucky charms cereal~mmmmm..........I miss~

|I've always been a big fan of K-1, the first time I was introduced to it was through Mr. Daniel Lee. This was when I was shooting Star Runner. I thought the idea of being able to mix any type of stand up martial arts in a tournament is a phenomenal idea. Thank you to Morning Chao, and Lynny lynn~ for hookin me up with this opportunity, and the super duper seats! Yo 30 tickets no questions asked...nuff said....GOD is FANSPANKINTABULOUS~~~~!!!! um...jimmy....it's K-1...not K-2....... Onimal you were there in spirit...see the Taiwan beer....Ya feel~!!!?

The man on the phone reminds me of Phil....when he's suppose to be coaching the man in the red trunks......he's not...instead he's on phone asking about when his internet service is going to come back after being cancelled from watching to many illegal p*@# sites....to bad for the man in red trunks......unfortunately he wasn't aware, he was about to get his ass served to him by a knee cap in.....

.......in in in......DA FACE~!!!.....let's just say.....I cringed.......

me trying to capture the moment of excitement during the last fight.......but......I failed...... for some reason, the confetti reminded me of lucky charms cereal~mmmmm..........I miss~

�����K-1�大�����������������・������紹�����������������種��格����混�対�������������������������Morning Chao� Lynny lynn����������������席���������


�������・・K�1������K-2����������. �����������・・��������������湾�����������!!?

�話中����������������赤�����������������������������・・・・���彼������������彼���������������������*@# ���������中止����������復帰������話��������������赤���������������幸�����彼��������������蹴�����������������・・����!!!





16 年多 前 0 赞s  94 评论s  0 shares
Zhouxiaofei 88 zhouxiaofei
I like sports......
16 年多 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
cool. we went to the one in HK last year, it was fun. Some of my friends in Japan saw me in the audience on TV too! :-P
16 年多 ago
it was awesome when K-1 was in HK, wish I could've joined u in attending the one in TW... did steve-o get a chance to join u? btw, I never talk on the phone when I coach, only when I judge...
16 年多 ago
Photo 96013
Hot Hot! On your picsI can feel exciting and happy time.I like watching K1,too.
16 年多 ago
Photo 113157
haha that's funny about the explain of mobile man ! i never saw boxing match in live .
16 年多 ago
Yes. Yes I do. Thank you.
16 年多 ago
Photo 80017
i wanted to be there
16 年多 ago




Taipei, Taiwan
August 24, 2007