Official Artist
Vincent Assante Di Cupillo
Graphic Designer , Photographer
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Open Your Eyes
Xie Yu Zhen, from Zhanghua | Taiwan, college student, hopes of becoming a professional caretaker // Xie Yu Zhen espère devenir une assistante sociale. . .
Series and audio track http://www.vadc-photo.com/?ux-portfolio=open-your-eyes
I invite people on the street to close their eyes for a few seconds while thinking about their dream. After taking the photograph I also record their voice introducing themselves and revealing their dream. This is an ongoing project. .
J’invite des personnes dans la rue à fermer les yeux pendant quelques secondes tout en pensant à leur rêve. Après avoir réalisé la photographie je les enregistre se présentant et nous révélant leur rêve. C’est un projet qui se poursuit.
#theopenyoureyesproject #portrait #eyesclosed

filmphotography #ilford #ilfordhp5 #contaxg2 #believeinfilm #filmisnotdead 
#film #of2humans #DiscoverPortrait #creativeportraits #hvmansouls #portraitsmag #portraitvision #globepeople

streetphotography #igstreet #myfeatureshoot #burnmyeye 
#bw #bnwsociety #bnwcreatives #bnwlife #bnw_demand #nb #noiretblanc #Taiwan

about 7 years ago 141 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Member Since
January 28, 2008