Official Artist
Vincent Assante Di Cupillo
Graphic Designer , Photographer
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Open Your Eyes
. Rita, from Ilocos Sur | Philippines, domestic helper, hopes that her 3 children will be able to finish their studies // Rita espère que ses 3 enfants pourront finir leurs études. . . .
Series and audio track http://www.vadc-photo.com/?ux-portfolio=open-your-eyes
I invite people on the street to close their eyes for a few seconds while thinking about their dream. After taking the photograph I also record their voice introducing themselves and r...Read more

about 7 years ago 198 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Open Your Eyes
Both are students from Hong Kong. Lam He Yee (left) dreams of becoming a make-up artist or even better a special effects make-up artist. HiuMan dreams of becoming a barista or mixologist // Lam He Yee (gauche) rêve de devenir maquilleuse ou mieux encore maquilleuse en effets spéciaux. HiuMan rêve de devenir une barista ou une mixologiste. . .
Series and audio track http://www.vadc-photo.com/?ux-portfolio=open-your-eyes
I invite people on the s...Read more

about 7 years ago 134 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Open Your Eyes
Xie Yu Zhen, from Zhanghua | Taiwan, college student, hopes of becoming a professional caretaker // Xie Yu Zhen espère devenir une assistante sociale. . .
Series and audio track http://www.vadc-photo.com/?ux-portfolio=open-your-eyes
I invite people on the street to close their eyes for a few seconds while thinking about their dream. After taking the photograph I also record their voice introducing themselves and revealing their dream. This is ...Read more

about 7 years ago 141 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Open Your Eyes
Nthabiseng, from South Africa, English tutor, dreams to travel more and to live a more content life all the time. She hopes to find wealth and abundance in everything that she does and she wants to just continue spreading good vibes // Nthabiseng rêve de voyager plus et de vivre constamment une vie plus heureuse. Elle espère trouver la richesse et l’abondance dans tout ce qu’elle fait et elle aimerait juste continuer à répandre de bonnes vibrations. . .
Series and audio track Read more

about 7 years ago 157 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Open Your Eyes
Victor, from Brazil, model, dreams above all to be happy. He also wants to have good friends, to be a good model and to make his family happy // Victor rêve avant tout d’être heureux. Il souhaite également avoir de bon amis, d’être un bon modèle et de rendre sa famille heureuse. . .
Series and audio track http://www.vadc-photo.com/?ux-portfolio=open-your-eyes
I invite people on the street to close their eyes for a few seconds while thinking ab...Read more

about 7 years ago 142 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Open Your Eyes
Kylie, from Hong Kong, her is dream is world peace // Kylie rêve de la paix dans le monde. . .
Series and audio track http://www.vadc-photo.com/?ux-portfolio=open-your-eyes
I invite people on the street to close their eyes for a few seconds while thinking about their dream. After taking the photograph I also record their voice introducing themselves and revealing their dream. This is an ongoing project. .
J’invite des personnes dans la rue à f...Read more

about 7 years ago 147 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Open Your Eyes
Eric, from Hong Kong, wants to take good care of his family and to have a good career // Eric souhaite bien s’occuper de sa famille ainsi qu’avoir une bonne carrière. . .
Full series and audio track http://www.vadc-photo.com/?ux-portfolio=open-your-eyes
I invite people on the street to close their eyes for a few seconds while thinking about their dream. After taking the photograph I also record their voice introducing themselves and revealing ...Read more

about 7 years ago 168 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Open Your Eyes
Teresa, from Hong Kong, teacher in a primary school, dreams of Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance // Teresa rêve de Véracité, Compassion et Tolérance. . .
Full series and audio track http://www.vadc-photo.com/?ux-portfolio=open-your-eyes
I invite people on the street to close their eyes for a few seconds while thinking about their dream. After taking the photograph I also record their voice introducing themselves and revealing their dream....Read more

about 7 years ago 145 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Open Your Eyes
Mr Ng, from Bao An Nantou | China, operator and kung fu boxer, hopes to save people who attempts to commit suicide and to convince them not to try killing themselves again. He has been living at a public pier for over a year and has saved the lives of 4 persons // Mr Ng espère sauver la vie des personnes qui viennent tenter de se suicider ainsi que de les convaincre de ne plus recommencer. Il vit sur une jetée publique depuis plus d’un an et a sauvé la vie de 4 personnes. . .
Full series and audio track Read more

about 7 years ago 145 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Open Your Eyes
La Ella, from Indonesia, wants her family to be happy. She wants to get some money for her family at home, for her family’s future // La Ella souhaite que sa famille soit heureuse. Elle espère pouvoir donner de l’argent et ainsi un futur à sa famille. . .
Full series and audio track http://www.vadc-photo.com/?ux-portfolio=open-your-eyes
I invite people on the street to close their eyes for a few seconds while thinking about their dream. After ...Read more

about 7 years ago 142 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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Location (City, Country)
Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Member Since
January 28, 2008