In some ways I have really enjoyed my time in Hendian so far. I am still getting used to the work here but because I really don't have much to do here other than go to the set everyday, I am much more focused than if I was shooting in H.K. Aside from the shoot I really don't do much except have dinner with some of the cast and crew. That's also very cool because it gives us the opportunity to get to know each other and bond better. It's a long shoot and we still have 2 more months to go. Everyone is very nice and I look forward to getting to know my fellow cast members and crew better over the course of the shoot.
A random shot I took sitting in my chair of the lights and all the bugs flying around it while I was waiting for the next scene a couple days ago.
| 目前為止,我很享受在橫店的拍攝生活。我還在適應工作,但每天除了拍片之外沒有其他事情,比我在香港拍戲時更能集中精力。拍戲之余我就跟劇組的演員及工作人員一起吃飯。這給了我們很好的機會互相了解,使合作更加愉快。這部戲很長,還需要拍2個月。大家都很好,希望隨著拍攝的深入我能更了解劇組的其他成員。
这是两天前我坐在椅子上等下一场戏时,所有小虫都飞在这盏灯旁边,我随手拍下的。| 目前为止,我很享受在横店的拍摄生活。我还在适应工作,但每天除了拍片之外没有其他事情,比我在香港拍戏时更能集中精力。拍戏之余我就跟剧组的演员及工作人员一起吃饭。这给了我们很好的机会互相了解,使合作更加愉快。这部戏很长,还需要拍2个月。大家都很好,希望随着拍摄的深入我能更了解剧组的其他成员。
A couple of shots from today's shoot! | 今天拍戲的幾張照片!| 今天拍戏的几张照片!