Official Artist
Terence Yin
Actor , Singer
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ATP: associated tennis professionals | ATP:職業網球運動員 | ATP:职业网球运动员

So here I am watching a tennis match with some friends on a Friday night.  Wimbolden just started and I have to say.  I LOVE TENNIS!!!!!!!   It is one of those things where everything, from the fuzz on the balls to the sweat dripping down my rainbow hairband, it excited my inner soul.  It makes me want to reach into the depths, to find the passion, to hit that ball with my racket with utmost accuracy and precision.  To me tennis is about searching for your inner demons and hitting them one by one out of the shadows and into the light.  The satisfaction of exercising those demons is the very struggle that is so true to light.  Tennis is a traditional that we must respect.  It is the gentleman's way to fight that inner fight and affirm our spirit to strive forward, to leave our mark, to reach the valleys and counquer mountains.  And with my friends, watching this tennis match, I hope that we will all ace and never double fault.  We recover from from break points.  And to pp, enjoy every moment of the rest!



almost 17 years ago 0 likes  38 comments  0 shares
the best thing this year is that in-between the games i can have a quick blast on Wii tennis, Terence maybe you should organise a Wii-mbledon tournement at the AND office, and whack it on youtube, would be cool! dunno why, but i feel Narom would be Suspiciously good. Not sure about this whole 'challenging' of the shots/calls rule though
almost 17 years ago
Li tong 2014 2 photo by fion cao
I quite like playing tennis on the Wii. It's fun and you don't need much technique, haha! xx
almost 17 years ago


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December 15, 2006