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Steph Song
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Sleepless 2 hours north of Seattle

There are few truths in this world but there is one that I am now certain of.

There’s no negotiating with jetlag.  

You can try everything to fight it but in the end, no deal. You can stay up as late as possible, or not sleep at all on the plane over, plenty of exercise, camomile tea, melatonin tablets, really boring movies, no caffeine..and still sleep evades. Tossing and turning and trying to switch off your brain and occasionally checking the clock and thinking ‘ if I get to sleep right now I’ll have at least three hours sleep before morning’. 

Ha ha. Nope.

The daylight hours pass like a blur- things feel slightly surreal, noises are too loud, trafiic is the worst. Uncontrollable narcolepsy at around 4 in the afternoon- right in the middle of a late lunch meeting and the people you're with end up thinking you're not intersted in what they're saying when in fact you are fighting to keep your face from planting into the bowl of pasta in front of you. Collapsing like a victim the moment you arrive back home.

Finally ...peaceful, dreamless sleep.

And then 11pm rolls around and ping your eyes open and there's no going back to sleep.

It’s the second night back in Vancouver. 3 a.m.. Wide awake.

Might have to try counting sheep.


weird swing set

over 17 years ago 0 likes  5 comments  0 shares
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you need to fight the urge to sleep in the afternoon, or at least push it back as late as possible... i always have a lot more trouble getting on schedule in America than i do when i come back to asia...
over 17 years ago


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Vancouver, Canada
Member Since
May 9, 2007