Steph Song
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Aaaaah. Hiatus. Finally.

Well I started smoking again. Ah jesus.

I did manage to last two weeks smoke free then some pesky bugger bugged me and before you know it I turned back into Puffing Billy. I’m averaging about 3 or 4 cigarettes a day so I guess it ain’t sooo bad. It curbs my appetite a bit, which I suppose is good for the camera but honestly the stupidest reason to continue smoking if ever I’ve heard one.

The TV show is going marvelously- we’re on hiatus. So I made the most of the week’s break and escaped to San Jose Del Cabo, Mexico...Read more

17 年多 前 0 赞s  16 评论s  0 shares

canada line project

I'm not one to bible bash an ideal- but I am an advocate of doing what you can to save the environment.  I'm about to have a bashing session- so if you can't stand the idea of yet another actor forcing their viewpoints on you (because I've read enough of that malarky myself- seems like every young Hollywood twat has a new thing that they're pushing every week) then know this- I have many but I'll only talk about one. Today.

Do something for your planet. Even if it's something that seems little and incon...Read more

17 年多 前 0 赞s  8 评论s  0 shares

grasses are lives


My big news is that I quit smoking . I heard that grasses is lives and who am I to smoke a life?

PS- My girlfriend Tala sent me this picture. From Beijing. Of course.

17 年多 前 0 赞s  11 评论s  0 shares

it's business time

Anyone who has ever visited a film set can tell you that it can be a extremely boring event. There's a lot of waiting involved. Waiting for the camera crew, waiting for lighting, waiting for the weather to co operate, waiting for make up or hair for the actors, waiting for the director to get his act together, waiting for props.

waiting, waiting, waiting.

And that's if there aren't any children or animals involved!

I've always maintained that I get paid to wait. I act for free.

I found ...Read more

17 年多 前 0 赞s  8 评论s  0 shares

the mysterious tree

I have settled back in to Vancouver. Re entry (once I got past the jetlag) was startling easy. I caught up on Entourage, Gray’s Anatomy, Heroes and some reality based contest shows that I’m embarrassed to admit that I watch. I did all my laundry and unpacked everything and visited my hairdresser and kissed my friends. I distributed the posters that I brought back with me as I had done the incredibly tacky touristy thing and bought Cultural Revolution era posters, example- Mao reading on a podium, big red fist squashing LBJ and that other ...Read more

17 年多 前 0 赞s  6 评论s  0 shares

the LEO awards. My shameless plug for the projects I'm so proud of.

My horses placed. Not my own horses specifically but the projects that I worked on. I had the very good fortune of working with some of the best in 2005. Two projects specifically- a mini series titled ‘Dragon Boys’ and a feature film titled ‘ Everything’s Gone Green’. They were both recognized at this year's LEO awards which are kinda like the Canadian Emmy's (blatantly stealing Byron Mann's descrīption of it . hee hee)

Dragon Boys – airing soon – I think October on ...Read more

接近 18 年 前 0 赞s  10 评论s  0 shares

Sleepless 2 hours north of Seattle

There are few truths in this world but there is one that I am now certain of.

There’s no negotiating with jetlag.  

You can try everything to fight it but in the end, no deal. You can stay up as late as possible, or not sleep at all on the plane over, plenty of exercise, camomile tea, melatonin tablets, really boring movies, no caffeine..and still sleep evades. Tossing and turning and trying to switch off your brain and occasionally checking the clock and thinking ‘ if I get to sleep right now I’ll have at ...Read more

接近 18 年 前 0 赞s  5 评论s  0 shares

WRAPPED in Beijing. The Banana Heads Home.

I'm flying back to Vancouver on Thursday.

There’s something imminently sad when a film finishes shooting. Shooting a film is kinda like going to war. It’s hard and grueling work- and not at all glamourous- you wake at 4am and sleep after 15hours of battling- but everyone is there with you all battling in the same army; the camera crew, the lighting crew, the production crew, the actors, the wardrobe crew etc…. for two solid months, day after day, you eat with these people, you stand around and joke with ...Read more

接近 18 年 前 0 赞s  12 评论s  0 shares

Part 3.

The Forbidden City. Was actually a bit of a downer for me as the whole thing is covered by scaffolding for repair work. The Olympics are right around the corner and there seems to be constructing and repair every 2nd street that I walk down.  Bummer. I didn’t go and see the preserved embalmed body of Mao. I think there’s something very very icky about that. That’s just me though.

Across from Forbidden City is Tiananmen Square. There’s 8 lanes of traffic  on the road separating them. Possibly the widest stretch of road I’ve ever seen. Wouldn’t...Read more

接近 18 年 前 0 赞s  9 评论s  0 shares

the big banana in china. part 2

More on the great wall. The size of it, the magnitude, the history that hides within every brick, the deep sense of pride that I felt within to be connected in some remote way to the civilization that brought about this magnificent structure. Every step I took whispered stories to me. I found it heartbreaking and reverential.

Then I realized that there was no bathroom.

S*Read more

接近 18 年 前 0 赞s  10 评论s  0 shares



Vancouver, Canada
May 9, 2007