Official Artist
Stefan Morawietz
Actor , Stuntperson , Sports Coach
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This summer I didn't have much of a vacation. Instead, I was sent all across Germany by Nautilus to help out at some of our gyms.In July and August, I went to a tiny but famous place, name of Schwäbisch Hall. It's a fairly small town in the heart of Germany, with a medieval-style historic town center. Quite pretty, if you're into that sort of thing. Looks like some place right out of The Brothers Grimm... minus the elfinsDidn't have too much time for sight-seeing, though. The mission was to help out as an instructor at a gym belonging to our chain, which had newly opened up.Not an easy task, since I had to work pretty much all day, churning out two, sometimes three HIT workout routines per hour for our gym members... which amounts to an average of 15 or more training plans per day.Although these routines were all based on the high intensity training method, they had to be specially tailored to the individual needs of each client... male, female, young, old, fit as a butcher's dog, or completely out of shape. Our Schwäbisch Hall gym may not be too big, but you feel right at home there... With this type of schedule I couldn't do much more than sink half dead into the pillows of my hotel room bed in the evenings.Nevertheless, I really enjoyed working down south. The southern folks (even here in Germany) seem to be much more relaxed and easier to get along with then the stubborn and reserved people of the north (where I happen to belong to). A cliche, maybe... but apparently one with a grain of truth in it.The team I worked with was pretty cool, as well. With most of them being physiotherapists or sports therapists by trade, with even one pro figure athlete and one advanced triathlete among them, the job was no trouble at all. Michael (who is also from Wolfsburg), Georg (another serious martial artist), Berit, and IMost of them were new to HIT, but I had a bunch of them hooked after tasting first blood. Especially the figure athlete (Hi, Figen! How ya doin'?), who was sore for about a week after a workout session with me.That's Figen... shredded.

over 14 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares
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Good to hear mann~~ And my legs recovering~ When u have time come back to HK for visit sometimes~
over 14 years ago


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