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Skot Suyama
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Alan Kuo Rocking Out!!! 柯有倫"無畏無懼"

無畏無懼 (製)     ‖柯有倫∥【無畏無懼】∥2010.12

Alright, my wife is taking a nap, so I’m not if I got the Chinese right. I also don’t know the title of the album. I’m totally faking this one. But it’s too awesome not to post right away.. Basically I just produced this one. And it was the easiest production of mt life. When I was working with Allen Wes on 生存權 (編/製)     ‖艾玮伦‖【首張創作單曲】‖2010.02 , he ended up giving me about 100 mp3’s of the best rock arrangements I’ve ever heard. Allen Wes can arrange these Limp Bizkit style songs in a day, no problem. It’s his gift, and he’s amazing at it. So one day Alan Kuo came over. We weren’t even thinking about recording anything. We were just chilling. We started listening to Allen Wes’s demos, and thought, fuck it.. Let’s just record over one of his mp3s. So I set up my mic, and let Alan Kuo do his thing. About 30 minutes later, he was done with rapping and writing the chorus. So then it was my turn to add all my back up vocals, and little more guitars here and there, basically just focus on some of the details. Then I asked my wife to sing some backups.. I think it’s so funny that the back up vocals in the chorus are mostly my wife 庭竹. If you’ve ever heard her music, you’ll realize it’s about 100% different from Alan Kuo’s style. So after about 4 hours, the song was totally done. I love both Alan and Allen, and am so proud to have been part of this song. I’m pretty sure in the future that everyone is gonna want an Allen Wes rock arrangement. If I ever put out an album, I know I would..

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5wS498-CUeQ

over 14 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
wow this is pretty hard for Taiwan/China!
over 14 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
thanks for sharing the story behind the creation! i love hearing how these organic creative processes come about!
over 14 years ago
Ryanhui 26 ryanhui
Awesome! Great to see you rockin out.
over 14 years ago


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