Simon Birch
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one week to go, new show april 18th

So I've been away from AND for a little while as I've been working 7 days to finish my new exhibition.

It opens next Friday and you're all invited to the opening. It starts at 6.30 and will go on until late, then there's a big after party next door at another new space called 'The Embassy'.

The show is in 3 parts. First in Central, then 2 parts in a big industrial space in ChaiWan. The space is brand new, a big investment by my gallery. Another sign the HK art scene is moving in the right direction.

So you go to Central first, 10ChanceryLaneGallery, then they take you to Chaiwan on a free bus service. (more info on htto://www.10chancerylanegallery.com)

The show is on for 2 months.

In Central gallery there is a group of paintings which are similar to work I've done before, here's a preview (250x250cm, oil on canvas, 2008):

Then in Chaiwan there's another set of work like this one (120x120cm, oil on canvas, 2008):

But also there is a whole bunch of people in a  performance piece of art and on top of that some other odd things going on but the major new thing i've done is in film. There are12 films showing, including one I made for a museum last year that got me into loads of trouble because some of the scenes were very controversial. It's never been shown in HK before so will be interesting if it gets the same reaction here.

Movie stills, Azhanti High Lightning, HDV 2007

Wing Shya is also involved in the project, a great privilege as he is the most talented photographer i've ever met and a lovely person too.

I'm not going to give too much away as it will be easier to write about the whole thing after the work is up and we can show photos of the finished thing.

Hope to see you there some time!


接近 17 年 前 0 赞s  16 评论s  0 shares
Mariejost 26 dsc00460
I'm really sorry I'm not in HK to catch the show. It sounds like a good cross section of what you're doing these days, and even just on paper it sounds interesting. Post more pics in your gallery, if you can. Also, can you give us a taste of the controversial film and post an excerpt (even if you can't post the parts that make it so controversial). My curiosity is piqued now.
接近 17 年 ago
Ryanhui 26 ryanhui
Can't wait to see the new stuff. I'll support yo!
接近 17 年 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
doh, i'm going to japan that weekend. i want to see the Shan Chen-based paintings!
接近 17 年 ago
Photo 23833
hey man, looking forward to seeing the painting~ heard you were at the chanel event, too bad we missed each other!
接近 17 年 ago
Photo 57448
Wow I can't wait! In the meantime good luck! Peace Outside
接近 17 年 ago
Marschan 6b marschan
Cool Photo
接近 17 年 ago



Hong Kong
September 27, 2007