I'm glad everybody is enjoying the music video I did. The feedback has been tremendous and mostly positive, so thanks for all those that supported. I've also gotten criticism which is always good to hear and I hope I can keep improving as more and more projects come along. I am aware of flaws and some techinical issues, but overall I'm stoked.
By the way I can't stress enough about watching it in HD format on stage6.com. It's so clean, however, let me apologize for the video, cause the video is slightly off sync with the audio. I'll try to fix it this week.
Overall I'm pretty happy the vision and concept of how it all turned out. It was a team effort with Ryan, Jun and our team Kin ( http://www.alivenotdead.com/creepkin) and Patrick (http://www.alivenotdead.com/patrickcreep).
Now that the video is complete. The last week was really quite awesome. I sent in my computer to get upgraded and now its a beast! For you computer techies it's now quad core 2.4 w/ 4 ddr2 800, Nvidia 8800 gtx, x2 dl burners, with additional raid...which means, KICK ASS. I'm really happy now. My editing in HD will be much, much smoother. The gaming is real tight as well...I can finally play Crysis on High settings, which is amazing.
One pic is realtime...the other is Crysis.
I'm having so much fun gripping throats! The backgrounds are drop dead gorgeous.
Leaves and trees fall from shoot outs. Birds fly away from fright. It just blows my mind.
Then came the parties....lots to say about the past few bunch. First it was Patrick's (rottendoubt) B-day. The party went a lot like this
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJHPKRw8MBw Except we were part of AnD....Just kiddin'. It was a lot of fun, so thanks for the invite. I don't know why I didn't get a photo with you. I Got to meet some fellow AnD peeps anyways. Prepare for lots of pics. Beware 56K users!
Got to meet the nice and down to earth Howard McCray. By my side is my gf Ida.
I brought a good friend along with me, Justin (left), whose really more like a brother...no, make that a son, since I'm going to be 30!! I'm getting old!
Suddenly Vincent's Cock...Errr I mean Kok was in the pic. Seriously though, what an awesome last name. Its almost par with "Bond, James Bond"
"Kok...Vincent Kok" The ladies must love it.
A group shot with Justin'....a very red faced Patrick (patrickcreep) and Berton Chang! Why you so scared lookin'?
I got patrick Mario Galaxy for the wii as his present...I hope if you own the Wii you pick up this game. It really is nutz in all sorts of ways.
The next party was a few nights ago. Thanks to Kevin Poon ( http://www.clotinc.com/blogs/public/kp/) over at clot who invited me to mingle for a Coach party. Check out his blog to see the madness. By the time the party started I was so freakin' hot and buzzed from the drinks. I looked really psycho and kinda retarded with sweat and red face.
We all know this handsome man...with retard.
The dope hip-hop group Fama with retard on his 5th round of champane. See gwun on the left and "lok wing" on the right. For those of you who don't know "Lok" is cantonese for six...He insisted not to say Sex. But I like sex better...it's gotta real ring to it, kinda like sexual chocolate. Sex Wing. I think I'll call him that from now on.
The highlight of the night was getting a pic with U.S artist Mandy Moore.
Now lookin' very retarded standing next to the stunning star, who posed exactly the same on everyone's cam. Maybe its copyright or something? I was having this deep conversation with her, when out of the blue, Michael A$$HOLE Wong, literally shoved me out of the way and and fought to get a pic with her cutting me off completely. Mike, I hold your picture ransom. Come get it!
Speakin of Wongs...two wongs make a right. Right?
Retard's head lookin' real big all of a sudden standing next to the eye-catching rosy and eye-sore Michael Wong.
Michael, I kid.
Yep...startin' to look pretty trashed..but I caught up with Miriam yeung who I first met in 2000 on my dads musical. Boy time flies.
The rest of the night was a blast. I met up with Edison, Josie (I'm comin' march 2nd!), 24 herbs (I respect the pok kai!). Got to listen to Dj Tommy tear up the joint with his beats and Dj be careful (sam Li) bring out the groove. Thanks again to Kevin for an awesome night. Respect!
This week I'm getting back to work re-installing all my programs again. Learnin' dads song as we ready our trip in a few weeks. I'm trying to drag out my bicycle, which is probably all rusted up and out of air, to one day ride with etchy.
Have a great week everybody.
p.s. I got the song Umbrella stuck in my head and found this...I thought it was a great rock cover.
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TvC6VS4Np4U