Official Artist
Ryan Hui
Musician , Singer
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Prayer and Support !!! | 祈禱與支持!!!

I just watched the news tonight and saw that the Sichuan Earthquake situation is still getting worse.  Its almost unbelievable to see how many people were affected by this disaster.  My heart goes out to all the families that have lost loved ones and that lost their homes.  Please keep them in your prayers and donate if you can.  You can find places to donate here.

| 剛看完今晚的電視新聞,報導說四川地震狀況愈加糟糕。有這麽多人在地震中受到傷害,我為所有失去親人和家園的人們感到痛心。請繼續為他們祈禱,如果可能的話請捐助他們。你可以到這裏捐款。

almost 17 years ago 0 likes  10 comments  0 shares
i was really sad ...
almost 17 years ago


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english, cantonese, mandarin
Location (City, Country)
Hong Kong
Member Since
April 19, 2007