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Coldplay X AudioTraffic X Captain Lu X Journey !!!

This month I was lucky enough catch some great shows that came into town and now I really can't wait to get my CD out.  It was really inspiring watching Coldplay, Mercury Rev, Audiotraffic, Captain Lu, and Journey play their best songs and just kick @ss.  Hopefully more people will continue to support live and original music in HK.  Peace![](/attachments/2009/03/23277_200903301829531.thumb.jpg)This was my second time watching Coldplay (the first time was when they came to HK in 2006) and they still put on a great show.  They'll turn any casual listener into a big fan in one song![](/attachments/2009/03/23277_200903301829533.thumb.jpg)The band rocked their big hits with some of the new material from their "Viva la Vida" album. Despite all the hype you can tell its well deserved from their performance, musicianship, and enthusiasm.Got big yellow balls? Check.During the show they also went out into the back of the venue and did a few acoustic tunes before ending under their Viva banner.Mercury Rev were the opening band and they were awesome.  It was unfortunate that it took so long for people to get to their seats but by the end of their set they won them over.Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXSovfzyx28Coldplay's "Life in Technicolor" video.  So funny!A week earlier we went to Macau to watch Audiotraffic play with Journey at the Venetian.  The guys played a good set and it was awesome to see them open for such a legendary band.Adrian and Don rockin' the tele's!After a short break Journey came out and took us all back to the 80's with their hits like "Don't stop believing" and "Open Arms" !I pretty much knew a good amount of the tunes just from hearing them so much in my favorite movies.  "Hey I know that this song from that scene where........"Arnel Pineda was the focus of the night because he was picked to sing for the band from playing in a Journey cover band who's footage was on Youtube.  He also used to play in Hong Kong clubs regularly so a lot of his peeps were in the crowd supporting that night.  Amazing!Captain Lu (盧廣仲) also made it to town and killed it!Easily one of the best voices I've ever heard live!  When I saw his CD in the store I didn't pick it up since he didn't look like someone I would be into but after Rozy & Race gave me his CD I became a big fan.  Great songwriting and great singing.  Don't let his looks deceive you!Video:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ro_d6435psCaptain Lu (盧廣仲) "我愛你"

接近 16 年 前 0 赞s  7 评论s  0 shares
Photo 55108
我愛你 is a nice song .... Coldplay's yellow balloons were a nice touch
接近 16 年 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
I'm sad i missed Journey, I had to stay here for Pimpin' Ain't Easy...
接近 16 年 ago
394744 10151919153965184 1224317883 n
the coldplay one was sure awesome, but I didn't get to touch the yellow balls hahhaa that's a bit sad :( arghhhh I missed the captain lu one....!!!!!! x
接近 16 年 ago
Photo 412492
hey i am keith (po kei), leehawk introduced before. nice to see u here i am singer / guitarist of hk band indie band Good Fellas. check us out in AnD. Cheers, Po Kei - Good Fellas http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8P5YALYHSkw
接近 16 年 ago
Ryanhui 26 ryanhui
Dude, Captain Lu doesn't wear a costume! That's for real....ha!
接近 16 年 ago



english, cantonese, mandarin
Hong Kong
April 19, 2007