演员, 歌手
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Parents visiting =) | 父母來探望 =)

I had an awesome week with my parents, who had came all the way to visit Racy n me. My parents are really cool, they could chill, shop, play with us and even have fun with our friends. They have been working real hard lately so I intend to show them around HK.

I've been staying in HK for 6 years but never have I the chance to chill and watch any fireworks in most beautiful city by the water front. On the 1stOct I brought them to Kellett Island. We had a simple dinner and enjoy these beauty sipping away champagne ...............

| 這周跟父母一起度過了愉快的時光,他們過來看我和Racy。父母很酷,他們可以跟我們及我們的朋友聊天、逛街、一起玩。最近他們工作很辛苦,所以我想帶他們到香港和市郊走走看看!!我來香港已經六年了,但還沒看過這個美麗海邊城市的水邊煙火。10月1日我帶他們去了奇力島,簡單的晚餐之後,我們邊小酌香檳邊享受著燦爛的煙花……

| 这周跟父母一起度过了愉快的时光,他们过来看我和Racy。父母很酷,他们可以跟我们及我们的朋友聊天、逛街、一起玩。最近他们工作很辛苦,所以我想带他们到香港和市郊走走看看!! 我来香港已经六年了,但还没看过这个美丽海边城市的水边烟火。10月1日我带他们去了奇力岛,简单的晚餐之后,我们边小酌香槟边享受着灿烂的烟花……

In the next few days, we went to explore the suburb.

| 接下來的幾天我們去了市郊。

| 接下来的几天我们去了市郊。

I brought them to my dear friend's beach house at Shek-O.

This is Uncle Ray, he is a dreamer, an artist and an architecture. Ever since he graduated he has been staying in houses which he has built for himself. Isn't that amazing??!!  He has a warm warm heart. His beach house is my get away, whenever I feel vex........I'll drive there to paint, read, go out into the deep blue sea and chill with Ray n Grace (his wife) who never failed to make me yummy food !!!!!!!!!!!

| 我帶他們去我好朋友在石澳海邊的房子。 這是Ray叔叔,他是一個夢想家、藝術家和建築師。他一畢業就住在自己建造的房子裏,是不是令人驚訝??!!他人非常非常好,他海邊的房子是我的避難所,只要我有煩惱……就會開車過去畫畫、讀書、到室外深深的藍色海洋裏、跟Ray和Grace(他妻子)聊天,Grace永遠能做出美食!!!!!!!!!

| 我带他们去我好朋友在石澳海边的房子。 这是Ray叔叔,他是一个梦想家、艺术家和建筑师。他一毕业就住在自己建造的房子里,是不是令人惊讶??!!他人非常非常好,他海边的房子是我的避难所,只要我有烦恼……就会开车过去画画、读书、到室外深深的蓝色海洋里、跟Ray和Grace(他妻子)聊天,Grace永远能做出美食!!!!!!!!!

We had a stroll along the beach. The day was so windy. The red flag was up to warn swimmers not to swim in the sea but not this warning against these sleepy doggies ...isn't working yo !!!!

| 我們在海邊散步,這些天開始起風。紅色旗掛出來警告人們不能到海裏遊泳,但禁止狗入內的警告對這些昏昏欲睡的小狗們來說…毫無作用!!!!

| 我们在海边散步,这些天开始起风。红色旗挂出来警告人们不能到海里游泳,但禁止狗入内的警告对这些昏昏欲睡的小狗们来说…毫无作用!!!!

We went for a short hike in the neighborhood of Shek-O. With the nature surrounding us, I could no longer hear the buzzing sound of the city ....we walked and laughed.....enjoying the day =)

| 我們在石澳附近短距離的遠足,在美麗的自然風光中遠離了城市的喧囂…我們走著、笑著…享受這美好的一天=)| 我们在石澳附近短距离的远足,在美丽的自然风光中远离了城市的喧嚣…我们走着、笑着…享受这美好的一天=)

I introduced my parents to some new friends who are also staying in Shek-O.

This chubby little boy is Keanu, he loves cheese just like me heehee =) Cutie !!! Muack !!!

| 我跟父母介紹了一些在石澳的新朋友。這個胖乎乎的小朋友是Keanu,他跟我一樣愛吃芝士 =)好可愛!!! Muack!!! | 我跟父母介绍了一些在石澳的新朋友。这个胖乎乎的小朋友是Keanu,他跟我一样爱吃芝士=)好可爱!!! Muack!!!

Look at these cheese aren't they yummy !!! @@ I had 5 pieces in such a hurry like someone was gonna compete with me ....Oh yes my competitor was the chubby one hahaha

| 這些芝士是不是很美味!!!@@我象跟人比賽似的快速吃掉了5塊…哦,沒錯,我的對手是一個胖乎乎的小男孩,哈哈哈 | 这些芝士是不是很美味!!!@@我象跟人比赛似的快速吃掉了5块…哦,没错,我的对手是一个胖乎乎的小男孩,哈哈哈

My parents are everything to me. When they are happy, I'm happy too =)

Let's cherish our moments with them ...........

Have an enjoyable weekend !!

love ya up,





| 父母是我的一切。他们开心,我也开心=) 珍惜跟他们在一起的时光…………周末愉快!!爱你们的,


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Hong Kong
August 20, 2007