演员, 歌手
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14 HOURS in TOTAL DARKNESS n my LEFT eye spoke to my RIGHT eye !!!!!!!!!!!!!!|14小時的完全黑暗,我的左眼跟右眼說話了!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I first realized I was short sighted in primary school. I was the tallest girl in class (can you believe that?!) so I sat right at the back of class room. One day at band camp... Oh no no one day during a mathematics lesson, my teacher caught me squinting my eyes whilst trying to copy notes from the blackboard. After school that day, I went to the opticians and got myself the first cheapest and biggest plastic frames =)

| 從小學開始我就知道自己是近視了。我是班上最高的女生(你相信嗎?!)所以我坐在教室最後排。有一天樂隊露營時…哦,不,有一天在數學課上,老師看到我斜著眼望黑板,抄上面的筆記。那天放學後,我就去眼鏡店買了我第一副最便宜也最大副的塑料眼鏡=)

| 从小学开始我就知道自己是近视了。我是班上最高的女生(你相信吗?!)所以我坐在教室最后排。有一天乐队露营时…哦,不,有一天在数学课上,老师看到我斜着眼望黑板,抄上面的笔记。那天放学后,我就去眼镜店买了我第一副最便宜也最大副的塑料眼镜=)

Do u see me?? hint: 2nd row giant

I've been preparing my eyes for LASIK 9days before the operation. I usually wear contact lenses for work and glasses at home. Racy did LASIK 2mths ago. Seeing how LASIK has worked for her, I couldn't wait to do it too myself. Finally I got scheduled on the 8oct Yay!! Let me share with u the roller coaster ride ...

| 看到我了嗎??提示:第二排的巨人 手術前9天我就為LASIK(準分子激光原位角膜磨鑲術)做準備了。工作時戴隱型眼鏡,在家戴普通眼鏡。Racy兩個月前做了LASIK手術。看到LASIK在她身上那麽起效,我真是等不及也做這個手術了。最後我約到了10月8日,耶!!分享一下這次過山車般的經歷…

| 看到我了吗??提示:第二排的巨人[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]手术前9天我就为LASIK(准分子激光原位角膜磨镶术)做准备了。工作时戴隐型眼镜,在家戴普通眼镜。Racy两个月前做了LASIK手术。看到LASIK在她身上那么起效,我真是等不及也做这个手术了。最后我约到了10月8日,耶!!分享一下这次过山车般的经历…

After a series of intensive eye examinations like staring into holes with a picture of Mt. Fuji and a red house in the middle of a green field, reading alphabets on a wall, staring at a red dot anticipating a gust of wind into the eyes etc.

This little room was where the nurse got me ready for the operation. To prepare my eyes, I had to use 3 kinds of eye drops. Then changed into this blue gown and wore the mushroom cap heehee =D

| 經過一系列精密的眼部檢查,比如從小孔裏看一張富士山圖片和綠色原野裏紅房子的圖案;看墻上的字母;註視一個紅點,然後吹風進眼睛等等。 這個小房間就是護士讓我等待手術的地方。我的眼睛提前做準備,滴了3種眼藥水。然後換上這件藍色長袍,戴上蘑菇帽,呵呵=D

| 经过一系列精密的眼部检查,比如从小孔里看一张富士山图片和绿色原野里红房子的图案;看墙上的字母;注视一个红点,然后吹风进眼睛等等。这个小房间就是护士让我等待手术的地方。我的眼睛提前做准备,滴了3种眼药水。然后换上这件蓝色长袍,戴上蘑菇帽,呵呵=D

A little prayer before I'm off to the Op theater ... "Thank you GOD for taking care of me everyday, may GOD forgive me for my sins and continue to be with me today. For GOD only you can do miracles and allow me to see a clearer and better tomorrow...Amen"

| 我進手術室前的小小祈禱… "感謝上帝每天照顧我,上帝請寬恕我,讓我平安度過今天。只有上帝你才能制造奇跡,讓我明天看得更清楚…阿門"

| 我进手术室前的小小祈祷…


All operating theaters feel serious but Dr. Tse played canto pop so the tension in th air eased off completely =) I was almost singing along! I told myself to be calm and comfortable on the operating bed. Strange as it may sound. At the time of the operation, my eyes personified and started to communicate without words. My LEFT eye being a gentlemen, he spoke up " Ladies first!". My RIGHT eye (the lady) said "OK~ whoever goes first is fine with me". She was asked to look down at my feet while the Doc plastered her upper eye lid n then she was asked to look up at the Doc while he plastered her lower eye lid. Later something hard was placed under both eye lids from the corner of the eye, which helped her to stretch to the widest! Now the scariest moment arrived, the Doc used an instrument to press on her cornea and said " In a few seconds you won't be able to see anything..." Suddenly I heard an instrument giving off a noise similar to the sound a dental drill makes..."eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee"

Through this process I could only hear her screaming '' OH help help...i can't move. The pressure is so firm...i can't move!" In the meantime, my LEFT eye was whistling away, seeing a scenic view of sunrise at the beach!!! In my opinion I think he was freaking out from all the commotion that was happening next door. But of course he had to try very hard to keep his composure. Next, everything became peaceful and quiet....Almost immediately, she let out a sigh of relieve "Oh...oh...i'm fine, i'm fine...i can see the RED light now.. hee hee(giggles embarrassedly)." Doc said "Now stare at the RED light n don't move!! " This staring thing was like the fight between Godzilla n Ultra Man, it was so intense that I could smell something burning !!! And WOW, within minutes the fight was over!!??!! Alright next competitor please!!

 "Oh oh is it my turn NOW??" said the LEFT eye. Coming back to reality, he started to get nervous and had a hard time focusing. " Hey, where is the RED light, I can't see any yo???!!" he asked RIGHT eye. "Its just there, u just have to believe in yourself, relax n u will see the RED light!" retorted the RIGHT eye. After taking 3 deep breathes, surely n truly he could see the RED light.  For him to go through the same process as her, it suddenly came to me that the noisy instrument was actually used to cut around cornea (the transparent anterior part of the external coat of the eye covering the iris and the pupil), which was flipped to allowed the treatment to proceed. He took longer to win the fight. Oh well well..... I have no complaints so long as they pulled through this ordeal together .......

" Hey thx for that, mmh u know.... eer ..thx for standing by me when I chicken out..." ..............

" You are welcome ! Believe it or not,let me tell something.During the ordeal I heard a Voice. Please don't be alarmed. I really heard a voice from above.It spoke to me with such warmth and affection. The voice said: 'Relax baby...believe in yourself, ... relax and you'll be fine'. It immediately became clear to me that was the thing to do. "   .......

"You're welcome baby" i smiled.| 手術室看起來很嚴肅,但Tse醫生放了一些廣東流行歌,空氣中的緊張氣氛完全消除了=)我幾乎要唱起歌來!在手術臺上我告訴自己冷靜、放松。





| 手术室看起来很严肃,但Tse医生放了一些广东流行歌,空气中的紧张气氛完全消除了=)我几乎要唱起歌来!在手术台上我告诉自己冷静、放松。




I couldn't believe that this operation was actually PAINLESS !!!

I was in total darkness after the operation because Dr. Tse advised me to keep my eyes closed till the sun kisses me GOOOD MornInG !!!!!!!!| 真不敢相信這次手術真的完全不痛!!!做完手術後,我在全黑暗的環境呆著,因為Tse醫生建議我閉著眼睛直到陽光親吻我,跟我說早安!!!!!!!!!!!

| 真不敢相信这次手术真的完全不痛!!!做完手术后,我在全黑暗的环境呆着,因为Tse医生建议我闭着眼睛直到阳光亲吻我,跟我说早安!!!!!!!!!!!

This is all I needed to keep my eyes moist and infection free.

| 這些是用來保持眼睛濕潤和防止感染的藥物。 | 这些是用来保持眼睛湿润和防止感染的药物。

Sitting on my bed the next morning it took me a moment to realize a miracle has happened!!

| 隔天早晨坐在床上,我過了一陣才意識到有奇跡發生了!! | 隔天早晨坐在床上,我过了一阵才意识到有奇迹发生了!!

p.s. i'm truly grateful and happy that my BESTEST company was there with me !! =) Thank u !!

| 另外:非常感謝和開心我最好最好的夥伴在身邊陪我!! =)謝謝!! | 另外:非常感谢和开心我最好最好的伙伴在身边陪我!! =)谢谢!!HI there !!!

If U are interested about my painless LASIK

Here are some info for u:



1311 13/F 9 Queen's Road

Central Hong Kong

t: 25010013

m: 95556881

Dr. Tse will give U discount if U mention my name heehee

16 年多 前 0 赞s  52 评论s  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
wow, those eye patch things look cool! very futuro! :-D
16 年多 ago
Photo 23271
you weirdo. hah, just joking. I've got to keep my 'artist' persona with the glasses and all. Neat shots too.
16 年多 ago
Photo 22991
Thx for sharing the ordeal...phew...sounds scary the drilling part. My friend told me for her, it hurt like crazy, worse than a tooth ache after the drug wore off...
16 年多 ago
01 04 andrew
wow!! you finally did it huh my little sis? What I curious about is how did you get home with both eyes closed??
16 年多 ago
Hey there !!! If U are interested about my painless LASIK Here are some info for u: DR. TSE WAI IP HONG KONG LASIK INSTITUTE 1311 13/F 9 Queen's Road Central Hong Kong t: 25010013 m: 95556881 Dr. Tse will give U discount if U mention my name heehee Cheers !!!!
16 年多 ago
Mark moran in spokane 920x920
I didn't realize you were having LASIK the day after the BBQ! waaah! Good job! Both Patirck, Stephen and I have all had LASIK too. It's a little nerve-racking, but it feels nice to be able to see afterwards.
16 年多 ago
Photo 24183
Hi Rosanne, My husband went through the same operation 7 years ago. I was there to go through the whole experience with him. I find that all the procedures were the same, except that you've told it in such an interesting way that I will now look back at his whole experience from a different angle! I've noticed that you are a very good artist, but never knew that you are such a good writer and story teller too until I've read this blog! Just take a good rest for now and I look forward to seeing more of your good work and reading more of your interesting blogs.
16 年多 ago
My dear bro Andrew, Dont be JEALOUS if i tell u who guides me along the way from the clinic to the car........... I've 2 Guardian Angles holding me n telling me every steps I took heehee =D Lucky me right !!!! Aiya !! Of cos I arranged my bestest friends to help me out la n also someone to drive me home lu hahahaha !!! Take care bro!! See U around here !!! miss miss....
16 年多 ago
Hey there !!! If U are interested about my painless LASIK Here are some info for u: DR. TSE WAI IP HONG KONG LASIK INSTITUTE 1311 13/F 9 Queen's Road Central Hong Kong t: 25010013 m: 95556881 Dr. Tse will give U discount if U mention my name heehee
16 年多 ago
My contact lens has a tendency of shifting around my eye at times while I'm filming, but I was always afraid to lazer my eyes... but I'm happy to hear that it worked out well for you :) by the way, it's nice to meet you here, I think you and your sister left the alivenotdead party just as my friends and I got there, take care and God bless (good to see another sister in this business) and maybe meet you at the next alivenotdead gathering
16 年多 ago
Photo 23175
Hey Rosanne. Nice meeting you at Racks the other day. Thanks for the Lasik info. So, the other morning I forgot to take my contacts out before I went to sleep. When I woke up, I looked around and thought a miracle had happened - wow, I can see! But, then I realized I had dry eyes, so no miracle. But, for that brief moment, it was still pretty cool to wake up and see the time on my clock. I suppose that must be what it feels like after Lasik. Looks like I'll have to pay a visit to Dr. Tse.
16 年多 ago



Hong Kong
August 20, 2007