Official Artist
Rodney Wong
Actor , Stuntperson , Sports
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Getting Drunk with the Masters

I had the privilege of doing a solo drunken fist performance for the premiere screening of  the "True Legend" <蘇乞兒> movie earlier.

I must confess though, that I'm no drunken master. In fact, it was actually my first time ever performing a drunken fist routine. And my sifu was......... youtube... XD so for all the wushu experts out there, please do forgive me for my bad form and execution. I was approached by the film distribution company to do this performance since they wanted a mix of breakdancing and drunken style kung fu. Since I come from a Capoeira background and have some basic knowledge of breaking and drunken style, they thought I'd be able to handle it...  I can only say, I tried my best! :p hehe..

I have to say though, that what scared me most about this performance wasn't the fact that a lot of celebrities and martial arts movie stars were present to see it, but the fact that during rehearsals just an hour before the show, both my calf muscles cramped up. So I was extremely worried that they'd cramp again during the actual performance, which would have been disasterous. Fortunately, I got through the routine ok for the show.... but I did have to sacrafice one of the acrobatic moves I initially wanted to do.... the one that initiated the cramping during the rehearsals...

I think one of the major contributing factors to the cramping was my costume. It was HEAVY!.. so I had to put much more effort into executing every move. But anyhow, the show was a great experience for me, and i did enjoy watching the "True Legend" movie immediately after.

Here is the video of the full performance:



Here's a web article on the premiere event with a clip containing snippets of my routine.




almost 15 years ago 0 likes  12 comments  0 shares
You are fantastic, Rodney! Bravo!
almost 15 years ago
Photo 517444
Very nice! How many shots did you drink before that? JK. Awesome job!
almost 15 years ago
Zhouxiaofei 88 zhouxiaofei
almost 15 years ago
Photo 494275
It still looks cool to me Si Hing , esp 1:43 the straight up from the floor.
almost 15 years ago
Photo 52954
Pretty cool for a first-timer! Gonna steal some of the moves ;-P
almost 15 years ago
You did great! I loved it! =)
almost 15 years ago
Photo 50938
Looked like a drunken pro to me ;) But I'm not any judge, really... Anyway, it looked awesome! Congratz!
over 14 years ago
Photo 94366
but i think you are a Drunken master.....your style is impressive...... keep it up Armin
over 13 years ago


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