Thank you @priscillachanwaihan for singing with us, thank you @rococo_official for the outfits!
多謝支持!??? #Repost @robynnandkendy with @repostapp. ・・・ 【一齊支持Robynn & Kendy】 「#第38屆十大中文金曲」由今日起至11月30日歡迎公眾投票,快啲去以下網址投選你嘅心水啦!
Robynn & Kendy 有以下提名: [十大金曲獎] 049 #新一天 - #RobynnandKendy,#林奕匡 及 [優秀流行歌手大獎] 009 Robynn & Kendy
@robynnyip @kendysuen
還記得初次在香港跟wong fu見面超級緊張,也不知道為什麼。。。他們算是我的第一個第二個 famous 的朋友吧。還蠻有壓力,在山頂公園也可以走錯路? 不好意了, haha! Thank you guys for your spontaneous decisions to put my face out on YouTube.. That started everything. 今晚七點香港的 Metroplex 有他們的 screening!明天台北的 Taste by Sense 30 也有喔!誰代我去多謝他們!
・・・ It's been 7 yrs since my first visit to Hong Kong when I made this special short with Wes and a "psychic". This Friday we return to HK with our movie as our first stop on our Asia/Aus tour! If you're here, pls join us for a special n...Read more
昨天不好意思了。。。感謝大家的關心。我今晚要超超超早睡,因為接下來要見證一位好友結婚!!當姐妹要精神點啊!連大學時期認識的她也當媽媽了。。。時間到哪裡了? 不過,我相信她一定能當一位很棒很棒很棒的媽媽抱著幸福的小baby ?
Super early good night!
Wong fu is coming to town!!! Fri 7p Metroplex. Tickets link here: @wongfupro
・・・ Who remembers our One Days HK series? We're back in Hong Kong this Friday! Hong Kong has always been a special city to us, inspiring is to make 8 short films there over the yrs. In a way, the city gave us those shorts, and now we're returning to "give back".. our movie! Come watch and join us for this special event. Fri 7p Metroplex. Tickets link in bio!
Thank you for visiting my official artist page! I believe in sharing music, sharing emotions, sharing love, sharing me. =) 我希望能透過音樂,分享心情,分享愛, 分享屬於自己的想法. 謝謝你們來到