休息,才能走更多的路。路一直都會在,沒有人能拿走。 2016 年又有新的路要走啦,沒事我不怕,因為有你陪伴著。? 頒獎禮過後就要放假了。五年來第一次放比較長時間的假期,為的是要好好的照顧好自己的身和心,從新記起被遺忘的感覺、從新再尋找迷失的自己、從新再刺激最單純、最與世無爭的靈感。 Looking forward to an amazing 2016 ahead with you along the way.
Cheers to friends that I both adore and admire, that are both talented and humble, shining stars and yet down to earth, that I'm so lucky to be surrounded by. This is why I like ceremonies like #metroawards cuz it's where I can see all of them at once!
聖誕節收到了好多意外的禮物。你們每一位都很珍貴。謝謝你們!! the earrings are LOVELY. I love them. 為左報答你既愛....我以後唔著綠色鞋啦。?? fans信都看了,謝謝你們!我沒有覺得任何人在「搗亂」啊 哈哈哈☺️☺️☺️,而「無人島」和「我不完美」的確是frd,它們都是眼淚寫出來的歌。☺️ 雖然永遠都不會在這些頒獎禮上唱得到這些歌,我會繼續期待著音樂會的那刻唱給你聽!and,忙是好事,不用feel sorry ? 送月亮的,月亮代表我的心啊。送酒的.... 你把我灌醉了。Hahahah LOVE YOU ALL!!
感謝新城電台,及所有播我們歌的DJ。 聽 @kaytseonkei 的 speech 聽到忍不住流淚,因為她說的話好有共鳴。You inspire. 做音樂真的不簡單,而 LOLO 盧冠廷老師的歌聲也帶我到了另外一個境界。的確,像他說的一樣,今天有的東西明天未必有,而大家的支持也不是必然。所以除了感謝以外就是感謝。新城電台;環球唱片、Duncan、上下所有同事;fans;還要感謝上帝。thank you.
Thank you eve for hair, Kirsty for makeup and platt for styling. @eveecc @kirstyfacedesign @plattho thank you @electricsekki @wowwalkonwater @camillaandmarc for the outfits!!
平安夜,收到的珍貴的聖誕禮物。美麗的周慧敏 Vivian 當天一起為我們的教會唱歌,她的新歌 A Love Like This 真的很讓我感動。 thank you for the album, and thank you so much for the love and support! 心靈的保養是最好的保養。 Vivian, the superstar beautiful from inside out.
Angels sent from heaven from Island ECC. Thank you pastor Brett for asking me if I would perform as a church member, thank you Jeff and Leora. It was your music that first touched my heart before I turned Christian. thank you Vivian for so graciously helping us, and gifting us your new album Him! Happy Boxing Day everyone!
Thank you for visiting my official artist page! I believe in sharing music, sharing emotions, sharing love, sharing me. =) 我希望能透過音樂,分享心情,分享愛, 分享屬於自己的想法. 謝謝你們來到