謝謝Duncan,辛苦你了,even when roads are rough, you're still a champ. 謝謝Jennings 和我們由零開始。謝謝sian,謝謝妳的細心。謝謝shun為我們跑的內地tour,沒有你我們的2015真的真的不會那麼精彩。謝謝晴朗導演/Ross/cat幫我們安排的shows。謝謝heyman和ivan你們crazy的耐性。謝謝leonard Heizi and Charlie 和你們的心思。謝謝yuki bb n celi默默的努力。謝謝 Kavin and Anthony. 心照!謝謝 emily, Andy, kitty, Joe, cherry 等等等等? 你地的努力很inspiring! (I still love u if I forgot to put ur name!)。謝謝離...Read more
被誤解的人有很多種,他們也是一種。 或許我們對不了解不熟悉的會有很多偏見、甚至會恐懼、厭惡。但如果你也有接觸過特殊小孩的話,不妨點進去了解一下他們的世界。 如果沒有的話,你點的讚至少能讓這個信息傳達的再遠一點點。點讚,為的是讓更多人看到。謝謝?
I really wish I read this article a few years earlier, when I was still a therapist, with actual cases and kids to care for.
I know this post won't get very far, but I know I wish to share it. From the rules of social media, I know that posting things that people want to "like" increases the likelihood of it appearing on most other newsfeeds. So if you see this, even if you don't have time for the entire article,...Read more
Thank you Felix @fhmtsang for the brilliant seats and the brilliant movie!! Bloody brilliant eh #sherlock ??
謝謝你們。 有你們很幸福。對唔住我成日都kick到電線又企都企唔穩,成日白白痴痴唔識得搞氣氛唔知道講咩,成日仲緊張過你地⋯⋯成日都係咁。唔係好lek表達自己,而歌都係最好raw的才能表達自己(最近)。發現自己真的情緒有點點出問題但一直唔想同自己or anyone 承認。但2016是新的一頁。聽講食蘿蔔同芹菜對腦部同身體心靈都有幫助,所以要食多d食多d?因為入面又好多營養素同正能量同愛。thank you 蘿蔔芹菜粉絲煲 for always feeding us with love. 有你們真的很幸福!就算你不在照片中,you actually are, cuz ur inside my heart! @robynnandkendy - tough cookie 上
Thank you for visiting my official artist page! I believe in sharing music, sharing emotions, sharing love, sharing me. =) 我希望能透過音樂,分享心情,分享愛, 分享屬於自己的想法. 謝謝你們來到