richard trombly
导演, 製片人, 编剧
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Distance Runners commences filming

In the early morning on a  cold and windy December 16, over 20 crew and cast -- And 2 RED cameras -- converged on the Shanghai Longhua airport, perhaps china's oldest airfield to commence filming on Distance Runners. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1205476/

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I posted my short film online @ http://www.vimeo.com/2535068 Official selection for Beijing film fest


I have just been informed that my short film Dengdai (the waiting) is an official selection for the Beijing International Film Week. This makes it my offical world premier. Read more

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meiwenti Shanghai short film contest

Meiwenti Productions did it again with their 7th short film contest. This one had the theme of "erotic" though this being china, ther was no nudity allowed.The December 6 showing of 12 short films filled the 400-seat 1930's-era Xinguang cinema in Shanghai's Bund area. Despite a few techical issues, the fine work of these local and expat directors were a pleasure to watch as well as some live performance by the spanish  musician Abraham Carmona.There was some good talent represented.A highly-stylized entr...Read more

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RIchard Trombly in Shanghai Daily newspaper

Published on ShanghaiDaily.com  http://www.shanghaidaily.com/article/print.asp?id=382035Mary and Hero Wei from the brother/sister team in Trombly's 35 minute short Dengdai (the Waiting )2007(I loved working with these kids !!! They were so much like my own two children. Richard)'Foreign'...Read more

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Feature Film "Black & White Photo" by Shu Haolun

I had the opportunity last week to be in fellow Shanghai Director Shu Haolun's production of a feature film called "Black & White Photo" produced by Shanghai-based Les Petities Lumieres.It is ithe story of a teen growing up in the poor neighborhoods of Shanghai's old city in the early 1990s and Lanmi the girl he loved as their paths diverge. Lanmi decends into dancehalls and doing anything for money with the new wealthy foreigners while the lead character gets the opportunit...Read more

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Melon Harvest - Chinese language short film

Filming on Saturday Oct 25th in Shanghai.

This is a 15 minute film about young lovers too shy to admit their attraction, until coming together at a special event. A misunderstanding in the language offers the chance for them to break down the walls that keep them apart and they find that the time for love is ripe....

Writer/ Director : Richard Trombly

Director Photography : Jeffrey Chu

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My new short film in Chinese, "melon harvest"

Melon harvest is a touching and passionate drama of two shy young people who have long admired each other coming together on a magical evening of Chinese music and culture and fulfilling their desires. mandarin with english suntitles

due date Nov. 7 for the Shanghai Meiwenti productions independent film contest ...Read more

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Dengdai (The Waiting)

Dengdai ....

A Tom Petty song says "The Waiting is the hardest part" -- especially when you are a kid and you are waiting for something important, like your parents to come home.

THE WAITING is a 35 minute Chinese film exporing the modern meaning of family in China through the eyes of two young children and their single-parent father in fast paced Shanghai.  

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Realtime Data

One more day will wrap filming on my second Chinese language short film, "REALTIME DATA" which is a story about Chinese in their 20's having few opportunities in the career world and instead looking for meaning in the Internet.

Our star, Leon, is the Chinese version of Keanu Reeves.

16 年多 前 0 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

Blank Subject

接近 17 年 前 0 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares


Richard Trombly richard@trombly.com www.obscure-productions.com is an American writer, journalist and filmmaker who has been living in China since 2003 and has


english, mandarin
Shanghai, China
June 26, 2008