Official Artist
Race Wong
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KAWS X NIGO, Biotherm-1st Day Back At Work|KAWS X NIGO、碧歐泉 - 回到工作的第一天|KAWS X NIGO、碧欧泉 - 回到工作的第一天

Happy to be back in HK ,  Happy to be back at workWhat greeted me on my table when i returned was a fed-ex envelope.LOVE to receive any envelopes and parcels from Fed-ex cuz they aren't normal envelopes. Normal envelops only contains more BILLS to pay. Thats it! I no longer receive letters that comes in sweet writing letter pads from school mates like I used to.... cuz school days are long gone.So what's in my fed-ex envelope???TBmoney.jpghaha...no no no... not the teriyaki bills but The latest Teriyaki Boyz CD ! Contains all the TB songs I like. Great album ! Thank you NIGO !All the best to your concert tour ! Can't wait to watch it !Last year when I visited Nigo's house, he had KAWS' paintings on all his walls. And he mentioned that KAWs' gonna draw him another huge one to replace his NIGO wall. So here it is.... in the picture below you see a Warhol wall and a Nigo wall.KIMPSONS-4.0.jpgnow this is the formally NIGO wall. It has become KAWS wall !![KIMPSONS-1.jpg](http://blog.honeyee.com/nigo/upload/KIMPSONS-1-thumb-540x720.jpg)Takes 8 to hang this up ! Such a beautiful piece!i wish I've got one...wish wish wish wish wishif wishing is all we got to do, no one needs to work anymore, and we'll all be dead now cuz no one's growing anything, no food, nothing  back to reality....I got a belated birthday cum Xmas present. yes...though it's way past but... i'm very lucky. thank you. My new Chanel Wallet. Black on the outside, Pink on the inside. hmm...kinda like me. Or is it the other way around?hahaAttended an event yesterday. Biotherm's Whitening Series !! Biotherm's white and blue thus the highlight.Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IBk65ZSq1tYVideo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=soD1HGzrJ_c[![](/attachments/2009/02/38019_200902062321232.thumb.jpg)](/batch.download.php?aid=1996473)[![](/attachments/2009/02/38019_200902062321233.thumb.jpg)](/batch.download.php?aid=1996474)[](/batch.download.php?aid=1996475)Thats Alvin Goh my makeup artiste and Tavin Liu my hairstylist.Pictures are blurry cuz there's a problem with my camera. Hate that !!! To ease my pissiness A kind person bought me a good dinner and a crunchy good cake, known as The Crunch Cake @ Savva ! yum yum yum OMG these are awesome! so cute, check it out -Rock Candy “Be My Valentines” Collection rock-candy-2009-be-my-valentine-02A Bathing Ape 2009 February T-Shirt  !!!!a-bathing-ape-february-tees-09-1 A Bathing Ape 2009 February T-Shirt ReleasesOnitsuka Tiger 60th Anniversary “Made of Japan” Sculptureisn't this really cool? i wish i could build this myself  onitsuka-tiger-60th-anniversary-1 Onitsuka Tiger 60th Anniversary Made of Japan Sculpture This is the Chinese Zodiac Race. Fun to Watch Video: http://http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dn0W1sbQCWE | 很高興回到香港,回到工作中


很喜歡收到任何由fed-ex送來的信封和包裹,因為它們不是普通的信封。正常的信封只會送來更多的賬單。沒錯! 我很久沒有像往常一樣收到同學用可愛信紙寫給我的信.... 因為讀書的日子早就過去了。

那我收到的fed-ex信封內有什麼東西呢???TBmoney.jpg哈哈...非也 非也 非也 ...不是這些teriyaki紙幣而是 Teriyaki Boyz 最新推出的CD! 收錄了所有我喜歡的TB歌曲。很棒的專輯! 多謝NIGO! 祝你的巡迴演唱會成功! 急不及待想看你的演出!

去年我到訪Nigo家的時候,他家裏所有牆都掛滿KAW的畫。他還提到KAW會畫一幅很大的畫給他替代他的NIGO牆。這就是了....下面的圖片中大家會看到一道Warhol牆和一道Nigo牆。KIMPSONS-4.0.jpg這堵原本是掛滿 NIGO 畫像的牆,現在已變成一道 KAWS 牆!![KIMPSONS-1.jpg](http://blog.honeyee.com/nigo/upload/KIMPSONS-1-thumb-540x720.jpg)需要8小時才能把它掛上! 多漂亮! 我也希望可以得到... 希望 希望 希望 希望 希望 如果我們全都只懂得希望,沒有人再去工作,而我們因為沒有人去種植、沒有食物、甚麼都沒有 回到現實....我的生日和聖誕雖然已經過了,但仍收到一份遲來的禮物...真是非常幸運,謝謝我的新 Chanel 錢包。外面是黑色,而內裡是粉紅色的。 hmm...和我有點相似。還是我和它相似呢?



碧歐泉的白與藍是焦點。Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IBk65ZSq1tYVideo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=soD1HGzrJ_c[![](/attachments/2009/02/38019_200902062321232.thumb.jpg)](/batch.download.php?aid=1996473)[![](/attachments/2009/02/38019_200902062321233.thumb.jpg)](/batch.download.php?aid=1996474)[](/batch.download.php?aid=1996475)他們是我的化粧師 Alvin Goh 和髮型師 Tavin Liu。因我的相機有點問題令照片有些模糊 討厭 !!!

為了平復我的心情,一個好人請我到著名的 The Crunch Cake @ Savva 吃了很好的晚餐和很棒的 crunchy 蛋糕! 好吃好吃好吃

我的天! .... 多可愛,看看 -Rock Candy “Be My Valentines”系列rock-candy-2009-be-my-valentine-02A Bathing Ape 2009 二月份 T 恤!!!!a-bathing-ape-february-tees-09-1 A Bathing Ape 2009 February T-Shirt ReleasesOnltsuka Tiger 60週年"Made of Japan"雕塑很酷對不對? 我希望自己也可以做一個 onitsuka-tiger-60th-anniversary-1 Onitsuka Tiger 60th Anniversary Made of Japan Sculpture 這是動物們角逐中國十二生肖排名的短片,十分有趣Video: http://http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dn0W1sbQCWE | 很高兴回到香港,回到工作中


很喜欢收到任何由fed-ex送来的信封和包裹,因为它们不是普通的信封。正常的信封只会送来更多的账单。没错! 我很久没有像往常一样收到同学用可爱信纸写给我的信.... 因为读书的日子早就过去了。

那我收到的fed-ex信封内有什么东西呢???TBmoney.jpg哈哈...非也 非也 非也 ...不是这些teriyaki纸币而是 Teriyaki Boyz 最新推出的CD! 收录了所有我喜欢的TB歌曲。很棒的专辑! 多谢NIGO!

祝你的巡回演唱会成功! 急不及待想看你的演出!

去年我到访Nigo家的时候,他家里所有墙都挂满KAW的画。他还提到KAW会画一幅很大的画给他替代他的NIGO墙。这就是了....下面的图片中大家会看到一道Warhol墙和一道Nigo墙。KIMPSONS-4.0.jpg这堵原本是挂满 NIGO 画像的墙,现在已变成一道 KAWS 墙!![KIMPSONS-1.jpg](http://blog.honeyee.com/nigo/upload/KIMPSONS-1-thumb-540x720.jpg)需要8小时才能把它挂上! 多漂亮! 我也希望可以得到... 希望 希望 希望 希望 希望


我的生日和圣诞虽然已经过了,但仍收到一份迟来的礼物...真是非常幸运,谢谢我的新 Chanel 钱包。外面是黑色,而内里是粉红色的。 hmm...和我有点相似。还是我和它相似呢?



碧欧泉的白与蓝是焦点。Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IBk65ZSq1tYVideo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=soD1HGzrJ_c[![](/attachments/2009/02/38019_200902062321232.thumb.jpg)](/batch.download.php?aid=1996473)[![](/attachments/2009/02/38019_200902062321233.thumb.jpg)](/batch.download.php?aid=1996474)[](/batch.download.php?aid=1996475)他们是我的化妆师 Alvin Goh 和发型师 Tavin Liu。因我的相机有点问题令照片有些模糊 讨厌 !!!

为了平复我的心情,一个好人请我到著名的 The Crunch Cake @ Savva 吃了很好的晚餐和很棒的 crunchy 蛋糕! 好吃好吃好吃

我的天! .... 多可爱,看看 -Rock Candy “Be My Valentines” 系列rock-candy-2009-be-my-valentine-02A Bathing Ape 2009 二月份 T 恤!!!!a-bathing-ape-february-tees-09-1 A Bathing Ape 2009 February T-Shirt ReleasesOnltsuka Tiger 60周年"Made of Japan"雕塑很酷对不对? 我希望自己也可以做一个 onitsuka-tiger-60th-anniversary-1 Onitsuka Tiger 60th Anniversary Made of Japan Sculpture 这是动物们角逐中国十二生肖排名的短片,十分有趣Video: http://http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dn0W1sbQCWE

almost 16 years ago 0 likes  20 comments  0 shares
Photo 261052
Welcome back!!! and the painting is awesome!!
almost 16 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
woah, the shoe thing is crazy!
almost 16 years ago
Photo 96013
oh Race~today's blog got so many goodies that I can't choose one to comment on^^ um...I want a wallet for now.. wish wish... and you've been to NIGO's house!is that one at roppongi hills?wow~yesterday I saw his wife on TV.she said "now super happy~"hehe sure..they are:P
almost 16 years ago
Photo 71723
wut can i say...u are sooo gorgerous!!!!
almost 16 years ago
Photo 37580
Go alvin, go race heh.
almost 16 years ago
Photo 49623
omg... that is to die die dieeeee for. did u try the apple pie with chedder ? die die die....
almost 16 years ago
such pretty pictures of you :)
almost 16 years ago


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