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Better get hurt by the truth then comforted with a lie|寧願被事實所傷也不要被謊言安撫


How many people in this world can live by only truths and no lies?

I remember when i was a kid, my dad once said, in order to sustain a long lasting relationship, the female has to keep one eye closed. Growing up, I realised that this might not just be useful in boy-girl , husband-wife relationship but it should be applied to anybody or everybody in this living world. Maybe, one day when you're dead, and your spirit being invisible, will be able to see what everyone else is doing behind your back. Come to think of it, sometimes we actually know something wrong is going on around us , right in front of us and we chose to turn a blind eye to it. How do we justify what is the truth and what is right? 

"How To kIll Your Husband" ..... never judge a book by it's cover and by what you read without thinking. 'A very funny book' as it was introduced to me by a lady i met at the bookstore . This isn't a book one should read if you're planning to get married, or has super fantasies about love and marriage. It'll spoil every dream of a girl. There will be people who'll say " oh my boyfriend/husband is not like that, it's just a book.." Thats someone who'd rather live by her own fantasy than be confronted by the truth. Is that bad? Is that wrong? I don't think so either. Cuz when you thing some thing is not gonna turn out well, it most likely would not turn out well. Meanwhile, we should not ignor the facts of life.

A woman found out that her best friend's husband has been cheating on her best friend for years. Using her hard earned money to feed this other family of his, with another woman and a kid. He has always told her he doesn't want and doesn't like kids so they are kidless.  So, this woman, sympathises her girlfriend being kept in the dark, told her about her cheating husband.

If it were you.... would you tell your bestfriend this painful truth?| 世界上有多少人能夠只說真話,不撒謊?





Her bestfriend blamed her and hated her for telling her the truth, for she's now being robbed of  her perfectly happy marriage and perfect husband !!

Oh man.....this guy is living off her but when confronted, he blamed it on his wife by saying that he doesn't feel like a man cuz she's earning more than he does and only in his other home does he feel like a man. What kind of person is that? I do see his point of view...DON'T BE SO CHEAP TO LIVE OFF YOUR WIFE then. The saddest part is that she doesn't even mind it at al, she doesn't mind being the breadwinner cuz for so many years, she's been very happy with her marriage. hmm....poor thing.

This is only one small fraction of the book, there're many other funny and more interesting and sadder stories in there and it got me thinking. . . .  it's not such a funny book afterall....it's depressing. At the end of the day, is the guy always the winner and the girl the loser? Or are we all losers? Can we all be winners? haha...if no one loses, how do we define the winner?In a relationship, is there a winner ?Is there a loser? This is not a competition, why would there be a winner or a loser?| 好友責怪她、恨她告知真相,因為她從此不再擁有完美、快樂的婚姻和完美的丈夫了!!



over 17 years ago 0 likes  30 comments  0 shares
Photo 40296
maybe this applies...."When I was young, I used to have a picture in my mind....it was made up of everything my life would be....everything I ever dreamed of.....now that I am older, that picture is gone....my reality has washed it away".
over 17 years ago
Photo 23632
sounds like a very interesting book... in this day and age...
over 17 years ago
So in the book, does the wife kill the husband in the end? He certainly sounds like he deserves it! I don't think there should be winners and losers in a male/female relationship. A good relationship is not defined by power struggle between the couple, but rather how the couple is able to compliment and enrich each others lives. I don't believe in turning a blind eye . . .
over 17 years ago


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