Official Artist
Pauline C
Fashion / Costume Designer
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runnnnning noses

IT sucks to have a constant stream coming out of your nose... and a big tub of moisturizer...THIS NEEDS TO END....my way excuse the pun.. is to hit it on the nose.... and get rid...but in this case..its my nose.... and it is not ending...

Xiamen high rise apartments are strange... they are made as huge concrete shells....so there's no insulation.... just concrete... so more often than not... espcially when the temperature drops it is like an icebox inside...and warmer outside...another reason why they are building blocks so damned fast in china...

sooooo i guess today is a stay at home keep the germs at bay.. and thank goodness for the internet..

i was looking at DAX's pics yesterday on workspaces..  and it got me thinking.. i have always been interested in the way  in which people have their work stations..

Mine is like a second home and i have 3 of those...at work .. its just work....my studio - and home ...the work space is a very personal thing..i need to have huge table.....my macbook, ipod  speakers..... and a large pot of markers... and all of the things that i am thinking about - i need to be surrounded by.....they can be items from my travels.. or they can be just the things that i have collected over the years and i love.....work comforts.....and off course the latest MOOD ... the CALMING CANDLE...

when i am working.... add the organic POPCORN...and off course Peppermint or lemongrass tea.

have to go... and kill my nose.

over 16 years ago 0 likes  10 comments  0 shares
Paulinec 1a img 1269
I WILL take that advice... funny reminds me of the old VICS commercials....hahaha
over 16 years ago
Photo 32522
Hey, do me a favor and save all of your used Kleenex for me, OK? I think there's a good chance I can sell it on eBay.
over 16 years ago
Photo 34128
When you're in NYC, pick up a NeilMed sinus rinse kit at the pharmacy. Cheap. The next time you feel a cold coming on, or allergies for that matter, use it. Works for me. I feel your pain with regard to construction. Seems as soon as the temp drops below 20, the inside is colder than the outside. My feet are always freezing in Shenzhen during the winter and it's not even that cold here.
over 16 years ago


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