Patty Yu
演员, 製片人, 主持人
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workin for free

even though i don't have a theatrical agent right now, i've been submitting myself for things that sound interesting on Actor's Access. anyone new to LA or NY and just starting out building a career should register onto AA because there are TONS of projects that post breakdowns on this site. Actor's Access is directly related to Showfax (where you find sides and scrīpts), and Breakdown Express, which is where all the big casting offices also post breakdowns for agents and managers to access. However, BE is not available to the people registered on Actor's Access. You must be an agent or manager to see those breakdowns. TV shows will occasionally make their breakdowns visible to AA users, but mostly you'll find lower budget independent films, short films, student films, and various other smaller projects on Actor's Access. Through AA I've booked regional commercials, a music video for a Taiwanese pop singer, and other jobs here and there.

so like i said, now that i don't have an agent, i'm trying to stay productive. this saturday i had a casting for a short film being made and distributed through Amazon.com, and proceeds will go to an organization fighting against human trafficking. the film subject is of course about girls who are tricked and smuggled into the sex trade. i've been offered a role in the film, but since the short is yet to be filmed, let alone released, i won't go into details yet about the storyline. don't wanna get in trouble!

but, this is great! it's unpaid (and for a good cause too), but it's a gig! and i'll get to shoot this coming weekend. OH, and not only that, but this film is being shot in MANDARIN, so that means some footage on my reel in chinese, which is GREAT. once i am able to give you more info about the project, i'll give you an update!

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english, mandarin
Los Angeles, United States
July 15, 2009