Patty Yu
演员, 製片人, 主持人
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OK. i haven't posted anything about career in a while, so here's an update. the commercial world has been slow as hell, but i finally had an audition the other day for hyundai and i have the callback tomorrow. yay!

next on this list...you will hear more about this when i'm getting closer to actually shooting, but i am developing a secret project that should be very fun. it's a spoof video and i am really really excited about it. heeeee...

let's see, what else....i recently worked background on a film called greenberg starring ben stiller and jennifer jason leigh. i hate background work, but my friend anna is assistant to the director, noah baumbach. she asked if i would do it because noah doesn't like hiring career background actors (i don't blame him). since i like to have any reason to not work my bar job, i said yes and it turned out to be super fun. it was this party scene with a bunch of young people, so after four nights on the shoot, it was like summer camp ending and maybe even a little sentimental. i was also spoiled and got to have a room to hang out in during all the downtime. oh man, i would have pulled my hair out if not for that room. it must be noted that the crew on this film was AMAZING. it was definitely a learning experience to watch them work. it was also nice to see a director allow actors to do 15 takes on an important scene...emotionally draining i'm sure, but how great to have that opportunity to really sink it. i'm eager to see the film once it's finished.

lastly, i'll be making a cameo in my friend Meiko's music video. we shoot on wednesday and i'll be playing a harajuku girl. ha! should be really fun. i'm totally gonna vlog about it.

that's it for now!

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english, mandarin
Los Angeles, United States
July 15, 2009