Patty Yu
演员, 製片人, 主持人
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thankful i am not brain damaged

wow, so let’s see….a bunch of stuff has happened since my last post.  the juiciest item first that will require an update:  i’m on hold for a national commercial.  woot woot.  this will be so clutch if i can shoot this…helps me maintain my SAG (union) benefits.  score.

i also booked and shot a print job for wells fargo.  i twitpic’d a little shot of my hair and makeup that day.  i’m hoping i’ll be able to find the ad somewhere and share it once it’s out.

another reason why i was so busy was shooting and working my friend sasha freedman’s short film (sasha dp’d my bao video).  i played a flight attendant (snapshot below) and we got to shoot on an airplane cabin set…so rad.  the film is starring Jane Pickett and Mark Kelly, who are both amazingly talented.  i will no doubt keep you posted on this one.


i also did a photoshoot for my friend Matt Pizzolo’s t-shirts that are coinciding with the release of his illustrated film (from a graphic novel) called Godkiller.  my friend aubrie davis produced the photoshoot, and at the last minute one model dropped out, which made room for my friend taylor feldman to save the day.  we shot out in Bombay Beach — a crazy dilapidated beach that looks post apocalyptic because of the abnormally high levels of salt.  there are trailers that were abandoned and just left to deteriorate…so crazy looking and PERFECT for this shoot.  taylor and i were sitting around waiting in the back of my car and what do you get with two actresses, extra time, good light, and a camera?  well, you get photos.  lots of them.  but i’m only gonna include this one that came from my point and shoot.


and one from taylor’s SLR, but more to follow…


also, i got a tattoo today. photo coming.

15 年多 前 0 赞s  5 评论s  0 shares
Photo 43244
no rest for the weary! you work it out, girl! let's see the tattoo!!!
15 年多 ago
Photo 505164
Tattoos on girls rock! I hope it's something badass like a grim reaper or a butterfly.... I mean a butterfly with a CHAINSAW!
15 年多 ago


http://www.cutebutdeadly.net http://www.twitter.com/cutebutdeadly http://www.youtube.com/cutebutdeadlyfilms


english, mandarin
Los Angeles, United States
July 15, 2009