it has been seven days since i returned from taiwan and i'm still feeling a little outta wack. working late nights doesn't help the cause, since i get home after 2am and i'm still amped. so i guess i'll share these sleepless nights with you muthers. so, since i'm on a video posting trend, i want to share the short film that i shot with some classmates from Lesly Kahn & Co, this acting studio i studied at last year. The lady who started the school, none other than Lesly Kahn, decided to hold a film festival competition of sorts for her birthday. We had about three weeks to come up with an idea and shoot it, but there were rules.
Film should be no longer than 3 min.
Everyone in the class must have a speaking role.
No person with professional experience editing, directing, writing, or producing may do those jobs.
The story must have a beginning, middle, and end.
There should be a twist at the end.
There were a few more, but these are the big ones. Anyway, it took us a week to decide what my class was going to do. I pitched an idea, and another dude pitched an idea. The class chose mine! Wohoo! So, I had a story framed out, but we needed to write a scrīpt. There were two guys in my class who were really excited to participate in shit. Nick Lusk, and Jason Williams. The three of us wrote the scrīpt together off of my outline. While shooting, Nick and I set up pretty much all the shots and lighting, although we did sometimes have help from our classmates. We also directed a majority of it, and did all the editing. Jason also helped quite a bit.
All in all, I proudly had a big hand in making this little short happen in about two weeks time and I am very happy with the end result. it is! Oh, and in case you were wondering--yes, the photo that i use as a header for my blog is from the shoot.
if you want to compare it to any of the other films made by other classes,
HERE is a link to those. We lost to one of LESLY's OWN CLASSES. the one called "monday night class" when you go to the link. Favoritism anyone?