Patty Yu
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i'm still in taiwan, spending some family time with my bro and the 'rents. in many ways, it's like i'm home in north carolina or something. rather than trying to go into taipei every opportunity like i did the last two years i visited taiwan, we've just been hanging a lot at home watching movies on the english channels. it's a sign of the times when 3/4 of us are glued to our laptops. but even my mom gets skype calls from her friends in NC. pretty funny if you think about it.

something struck me today, while i rode in the backseat to freaking costco of all places...haha. mom was driving, dad was in the passenger seat, and as i took in the scenery it dawned on me how i felt just like a kid again. i was riding with mom and dad while they talked about stuff in chinese. being here, i can't really do anything on my own. i mean, i can speak mandarin conversationally, but i can't read or write it. it would be really hard to navigate anywhere beyond taipei city. so it occurred to me how much i felt like a child. so dependent on my parents for EVERYTHING.

in a way, i'm totally realizing a fantasy that i conjured around christmastime--partly why i decided to stop drinking and smoking--of reverting to a youthful sobriety, where life experiences were all i got drunk on. i wanted this because i can remember an intensity of passion and belief i had in myself and all my dreams when i was a kid. i'm not saying i was free of insecurities and self-consciousness when i was young--far from it. but along with those things, i also had this unwavering belief in myself and my dreams. and i dreamt BIG. HUGE.

somewhere in between then and now, i sold myself short a little bit. i had to convince myself of what i could accomplish instead of just KNOWING it. i know now that it's partly because i found out how much i DIDN'T know about the business, and didn't know HOW to go after what i believed in. it's also partly because i just got rusty and out of practice. the good thing is that it's shifted again. i know what i want, i know what i can do, and i know that i will do it.

even though i have to find new representation now, during a very challenging time for actors, i am more excited than i have ever been about my career. i am so excited to find an agency on my own--to meet with agents and to pitch myself and my ideas. aack!! i can't wait to get back to LA!!!

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english, mandarin
Los Angeles, United States
July 15, 2009