Wong Wong
导演, 製片人, 编剧
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新、舊朋友們,你們都好嗎?“Hello” to all the old and new friends at AnD!

It is indeed an honor for me to become a featured artist here.  In fact, I have joined this community back in May, as an ordinary member under the name of “ WongWong”, and have since made some wonderful new friends here. 

About 3 years ago, I have quitted my long established career in marketing to pursue a more exciting, but also more challenging, new career in film making.  I am now a promotional film producer/writer/director working hard to become a feature film writer/director.  Since I am a “late” beginner in this tough business, I have well accepted that my career journey may be even tougher than the others. But I hope that my “late start” could be seen as an advantage for those film companies that would appreciate my previous working experiences in marketing and in multinational corporations, on top of my current film skills.  The recent MTV Channel Award that I got , hopefully, is a minute step forward to get me closer to my dream of making a feature film! prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /

Thanks again to all the staff, artists and members at AliveNotDead.com.  Not only do you keep me entertained, you also keep me constantly informed and inspired, with all your news and the blogs of so many wonderfully talented people here!  I am truly proud to be part of this “big artist family” and I welcome you all to drop by to say ‘hi’ regularly!


所有的AliveNotDead新、舊朋友們,你們好嗎?能夠成為這裏的藝術家的一份子令我感到十分之榮幸。其實我早在今年五月份,已用” WongWong”的代號登記成為AnD的一個普通會員,並在這裏認識了一些很要好的新朋友。

大概在3年前左右,我把多年來略有所成之市務推廣專業放棄了,反而勇闖拍電影這一門又刺激又具挑戰性之行業。我現在是個拍宣傳片的導演/監製及撰稿員,並正在努力希望能成為一位電影導演及編劇。因為我不是一開始便是學電影及做電影的,現在可能會被視為有點兒像「趕尾班車」吧!我只希望會有一些電影投資者,除了注意我在創作及技巧上付出了之努力外,更會把我過往在市務推廣及國際機構之工作經驗視為一些額外的優性條件吧!我更希望我剛從 MTV音樂電視頻道獲得的一個獎項 能為我拍大電影的目標邁進了一小步!




大约 17 年 前 0 赞s  11 评论s  0 shares
Photo 31217
HEY Patty! coagulation
大约 17 年 ago


Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves. Never be lackin


english, cantonese
Hong Kong
May 20, 2007