Wong Wong - my official artist profile -alivenotdead.com
Official Artist
Wong Wong
Director , Producer , Screenwriter
226,429 views| 72  Posts

About Wong Wong

Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves. Never be lackin

Patty is a veteran in the Asian media and entertainment business. Over the past 20 years, she has held key positions in many big companies. From the '80s to the '90s, she was working in Ogilvy & Mather, Saatchi & Saatchi and Academy One Films. From 1995 to 1997, Patty was instrumental in the setting up of the Channel Marketing function at Hong Kong Cable Television Limited when she was the Deputy Marketing Controller over there. In the years of 1997 to 2000, Patty joined Time Warner's Turner Entertainment Networks Asia, Inc. as Regional Marketing Director and looked after all the marketing activities for Cartoon Network and TCM in the region as well as helped launch HBO into India. From March 2002 to Oct 2004, Patty joined Celestial Pictures as Group Marketing Director looking after all of the communications and promotional activities for the company's integrated media and merchandise businesses in Asia. She has also been personally involved in the creation and production of numerous T.V. commercials and promotional videos.

Whilst working for Celestial, Patty was inspired by the many classic Shaw film legends that she had the honor to meet in person. This had triggered her interest in writing stories and becoming a film director. In mid-year 2004, Patty decided to quit her job and went to study for a 1-year film-making course (Nov 04 to Sept 05), jointly hosted by the Federation of Hong Kong Filmmakers and the Hong Kong government.

In 2005, Patty has written her first book "The Close Encounters with the Shaw Film Legends" which was published by Sing Tao Publishing to many parts of the world and has stayed in the No. 1 Rank in "Sing Tao's Top 10 Selling Chart" for many months. The book was also ranked as the No. 10 in the “Best Selling Books in Singapore” by the "Top Culture Index" of Yazhou Zhoukan (Vol. 19 Issue 26).

In 2006, Patty has made her first attempt in directing a dark humor short film "BLACK OUT" and written the original movie concepts of “BEAUTIFUL LEG", “2882”, “CAMAY and HER DOG", “KILL AND RUN” as well as “THE DARK PIANO". During the same time, she has also launched a bi-lingual print and web publication, INWEDDING magazine (now renamed as INMAGAZINE) in the position as contract Managing Editor in only 4 months' time from scratch.

In July 2007, Patty's 3-min trailer of “2882” is selected to be shown at the 11th FANTASIA INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL in Montreal. In November of the same year, Patty has won the MTV Asia competition as the director and editor for the best video to accompany the track titled "I'm Proud To Be Chinese".

Patty is indeed an energetic person who has the proven track record to create and manage projects of various natures, magnitude and scales. She is a rare gem who not only possess creativity but also the necessary marketing sense and production skills to make a world-class top-notch producer/writer/director, based out of Asia. She now owns her film and promotions company, GIG CREATION Limited (www.gigcreation.com) which offers corporate image and branding services as well as film production services to clients.

柏姜 (原名“姜佩安”) 是一位資深媒體及市務推廣從業員,持有澳洲悉尼MacQuarie大學工商管理碩士學位,及英國特許市務學會(The Chartered Institute of Marketing)之市場學文憑;亦曾接受由「香港電影工作者總會」及「職業訓練局」合辦的全曰制「第二屆電影專業培訓課程」。柏姜擁有在亞洲媒體、廣告、影視製作及市務推廣行業的豐富經驗。

在過去的二十年期間,她親自參予製作了無數電視廣告及公司/商品宣傳片。她曾出任之職務包括:全球第二大的線上廣告聯網及線上廣告科技供應商Real Media Ltd.亞洲地區行政總監;「天映娛樂」有限公司集團市務總監;「香港有線電視有限公司」助理市務總監;以及「時代華納」旗下之Turner Entertainment Networks Asia, Inc地區市務總監,負責策劃及監督CARTOON NETWORK卡通頻道和TCM(Turner Classic Movies) 頻道在區內之所有推廣活動,並協助該公司在印度展開HBO收費電影台服務。


在2005年5月她以筆名「柏姜」推出她生平的第一本著作【邵氏巨星 零距離接觸】,由「星島」出版到世界各地,並很快便榮登「星島出版十大暢銷書榜」首位達數月之久,並在「亞洲週刊」(第十九卷二十六期)之熱門文化指標,被列為「全新加坡最熱門書籍」之第10位。

在2006年期間,她以特約行政編輯身份,破天荒僅以4個月之短時間,為Cytech Ltd. 從「零」開始建立了全內部之中、英語編輯及攝製團隊,出版了全港首創的中、英雙語高級結婚美容時倘月刋inWEDDING雜誌 (現改名為inMAGAZINE)。 在此期間,她並創作了多個電影原創故事,包括了《美麗的腿》、《2882》、《佳美與她的小狗》、《錯殺夜驚魂》及《黑鋼琴》等,她亦自編、自導及自製了黑色幽默英語短片《BLACK OUT》。

她的《2882》預告片,曾於加拿大滿地可2007年度舉行之「第十一屆Fantasia International Film Festival」內展出。 同年11月,她親自執導及剪接之音樂錄像,令她成為了MTV音樂頻道亞洲區 "I'm Proud To Be Chinese"一曲 (譯名為“中國人之驕傲”) 最佳音樂錄像比賽的冠軍得主。

在追尋電影夢想之際,柏姜亦創辦了GIG CREATION (十激創作坊www.gigcreation.com),為客户提供公司形象設計及影視攝製服務。

Interesting facts about Wong Wong

Languages Spoken english, cantonese
Location Hong Kong
Gender female
English Name Patty Keung
Traditional Chinese Name 柏姜
Member Since May 20, 2007
Fans 113
Profile Views 226,429


Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves. Never be lackin

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Languages Spoken
english, cantonese
Location (City, Country)
Hong Kong
Member Since
May 20, 2007