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Patrick Chow
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DVDs + Love Rocks ....

I was over on Kowloon-side for lunch today, afterwards i semi-conciously wandered to Sino Centre 信和中心, Mong Kok to take a look-round ...having been told lately that the video shops in the basement are selling parallel import DVDs from Japan & Europe at great value prices .... wanna know exactly how cheap eh? ...

in total, i bought sixteen films (some of them were recent and some oldies), all of which I have seen before, postively enjoyed watching and are nice additions to my DVD collection ....

So just how much did i pay for these 16 x DVDs? ... A. $200 (USD25), B. $400 (USD 50) or C. $600 (USD 75) ...

Can anyone further impress me and name both the Tom Cruise movies there and also his leading ladies in these films? -- haha

Oh yeah .. over lunch, i was asked by my dejeuner partner to name my 5  favorite love songs (western) .... piece of cake i thought instantly, but actually once i started giving it some serious thought, it is extremely tough to just name 5 ..... now having spent most of the evening reluctantly wittling it down to a "most-loved" shortlist of about 40 songs .... i suppose if i had to select just five, they are as follows (in no particular order of preference):


Crying In The Rain - A-Ha's version of the Everley Brother's classic



Your Song - Elton John



Reason To Believe - Rod Stewart



Wonderful Tonight - Eric Clapton



Heaven - Bryan Adams



If u guys have time .... would like to know ur favorite five  love songs too (especially u Anton) ......

Love Rocks!

about 16 years ago 0 likes  24 comments  0 shares
Scottiehui 97 scottiehui
My man, you suck. I could've met you there cause it only takes me 15 mins to jet to that area. Mong Kok is like my backyard. Next time let me know. I"ll take you to the underground mazes and even blu-ray malls!!
about 16 years ago
Photo 341134
Ah, miss the Sino Centre so much... will buy movie crazily next time!
about 16 years ago
Chungtsang 5b chungtsang
yes, Sino center basement, I know that place well. Those costed you about 400 rite? if it was 200 for 16, i gotta go back. Someone beat me to the Tom Cruise question, but those two are pretty good. Scottie, please show us the way to the blu-ray malls. I need to get more of these on the cheap.
about 16 years ago
Photo 55108
Butter is the winner of the Tom Cuise questions ... impressive stuff as Legend only had the titles in Japanese. A. $200 (USD25) ..... is the correct price ... it actually came to $185 only!
about 16 years ago
Scottiehui 97 scottiehui
Bulletproof??? You serious??...Nah man.
about 16 years ago


Lately i believe i'm getting more and more enigmatic (sadly, not by choice) ... a horizontally challenged man of many confused, yet complex layers amidst extrem

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