Official Artist
Aaron Palermo
Actor , Director , Composer
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For the past year, I've been deep in directing, producing and editing a feature film from my screenplay, GAME ON. You can find it here on Facebook.

And it's been a long, hard ride. So hard that I'm considering writing a book about it. If you think Mr. Coppola had it rough, you haven't seen nothing yet!

My dad said, "Aaron, after the film is finished, you might feel like the rest of your life seems anticlimactic." I replied, "I hope so!"

It has been a life-changing experience. I used to criticize and complain (coming from the actor's chair), "Wow, it must be really tough to make a good film! This film sucks!"

Now I recognize how hard it is to make even a horrible film. When I see a film now, I can find at least one good thing about it, because now I know how much luck is really required for literally anything to work out right.

That's right, I said luck. Having the most incredibly talented (insert trade here) doesn't make a bit of difference if the location gets shut down, the electricity is blown, it rains, or whatever else you can imagine.

Of course you need talent and some money. If you don't have much talent, money will help you surround yourself with people that do... But you still gotta have luck.

I wouldn't trade the experience for anything. It's been fantastic and rewarding. I've had lots of inspiration and help along the way from a lot of Official Artists here, and they know who they are.

I also give credit to Dov S-S Simens for screaming at me, "Quit waiting around to sell your screenplays and just get out there and make your own film!"

Those of you who have attended Dov's course in the past will testify that there's nothing quite like having Dov insult your intelligence and laziness to get you into action.

Dov's back in Hong Kong January 7th & 8th... Find out more here:

I will of course attend --- first I'll give Dov a muay Thai elbow, then I'll give him a great big hug --- and maybe even a slobbery kiss.



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Check out my new feature film! http://facebook.com/game.on.movie My Channel: http://www.youtube.com/overglobe

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Languages Spoken
english, mandarin
Location (City, Country)
Hong Kong
Member Since
July 9, 2008