Official Artist
Oli Pettigrew
MC / Show Host , Model
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Sony Shooting around the world

Been a busy time the last few weeks, and it's not over yet! Made an appearance on 'the Duke' - The new Men's Chat show on AXN. I'll give you a heads up when it airs... was great fun as I know all the hosts from work and play - so we had a riotous time... we'll see how much gets edited out I've been shooting all the overseas segments for Sony Style Season 3 and have been in KL and Taipei for the last few weeks, and leave for Mumbai in the morning.In KL had the pleasure on interviewing the lovely Carmen Soo:-As well as meeting the awesome boys from Pop Shuvit at their studio... who then hooked me up with my new fave t-shirt:-Then we hit up the awesome Taipei for a few more days of fun:-Where I got to meet Jeff Huang from the LA Boys, and the just plain nice Van Ness Wu - who gave me the best interview I've had the pleasure of conducting... so thanks to him:-Heading to Mumbai at STOOPID O'clock tomorrow morning for more craziness.... I'm being honest when I admit I'll be relieved to be back in country for a while when it's all done.My last few weeks on HBO Signature are coming to a close soon - I'm being replaced by the very talented Linda Black, as I move to a new show on CINEMAX. I'll keep you posted with details as and when they come in.Later GatorsOli

almost 16 years ago 0 likes  19 comments  0 shares
I'm really a jerk, people just don't know it yet...hahaha Oli you have a beautiful child...all the best with your famliy my friend. God bless.
almost 16 years ago
Photo 356151
Hey Oli ! it has been awhile - glad to see you are doing so well !! Good to be busy ya ? cheers, todd
almost 16 years ago


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