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Nadia Hatta
Actor , MC / Show Host , Author
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Nadia as a guest star on 康熙來了(CTi), 2010

(Part 2- Nadia appears towards the end)

(Part 1)

Hosts were invited to show a talent to feat Han Dian, Assistant Host of the Show. Nadia performed her specialty headstand with lotus legs (sirsasan padmasan.) and continued to host while upside down. Special Thanks to Tsai Kang Yong, Little S, Han Dian, the hosts of the show.

Nadia 瑀希在康熙來了節目裡,挑戰漢典跟這她一邊做頭倒立一邊主持。感謝蔡康永哥,小S姐,漢典哥。

over 13 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Nadia as a guest star on 康熙來了(CTi), 2010

over 13 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Blue & Gold Article Introducing Nadia Hatta

NadiaHattaNewsFeatureArticle 300x225 Blue & Gold Article Introducing Nadia Hatta

Article introducing Nadia Hatta as new cohost for Fun Taiwan Season 11, Blue & Gold Newspaper, written by Kathryn Bai & Hannah Kim.

介紹Nadia Hatta,“ 瘋台灣” 第11集新主持人。 ”Blue & Gold” 報, 作家:...Read more

almost 14 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Blue & Gold Article Introducing Nadia Hatta

almost 14 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Blue & Gold Article Introducing Nadia Hatta

NadiaHattaNewsFeatureArticle 300x225 Blue & Gold Article Introducing Nadia Hatta

Article introducing Nadia Hatta as new cohost for Fun Taiwan Season 11, Blue & Gold Newspaper, written by Kathryn Bai & Hannah Kim.

介紹Nadia Hatta,“ 瘋台灣” 第11集新主持...Read more

almost 14 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Nadia on Next Media Magazine 壹週刊

Next Media Writer Kate was very generous with her words. She wrote a beautiful piece featuring my journey up until this point of filming Discovery's Travel and living show: Fun Taiwan. 壹週刊 作家寫的文張很大方- 裡面的故事表達我在DISCOVERY旅遊頻道瘋台灣的之前的故事。 謝謝KATE姐。~NadiaRead more

almost 14 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares

Press Release ‘Fun Taiwan’ Season 11′s New Cohost Nadia Hatta, Liberty Times 自由時報

TaiwanNewspaperPressNadiaHatta 300x225 Press Release Fun Taiwan Season 11s New Cohost Nadia Hatta, Liberty Times 自由時報自由時報 Liberty Times 2010

Launching Discovery Channel’s Travel&Living Channel’s “Fun Taiwan” Season 11, introducing Nadia Hatta as ...Read more

about 14 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Press Release ‘Fun Taiwan’ Season 11′s New Cohost Nadia Hatta, Liberty Times 自由時報

about 14 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

Press Release ‘Fun Taiwan’ Season 11′s New Cohost Nadia Hatta, Liberty Times 自由時報

TaiwanNewspaperPressNadiaHatta 300x225 Press Release Fun Taiwan Season 11s New Cohost Nadia Hatta, Liberty Times 自由時報自由時報 Liberty Times 2010

Launching Discovery Channel’s Travel&Living Channel’s “Fun Taiwan” Season 11, in...Read more

about 14 years ago 0 likes  0 comment  0 shares

On air in HK TONIGHT!

Hey friends!

Nadia goes on air tonight in HK on travel and living's Fun Taiwan with cohost Janet - Discovery Channel - @ 8pm sharp!

Please support the show by Increasing the ratings! Pass this on to all you know!

Thank you so much - blessings,


about 14 years ago 0 likes  5 comments  0 shares


Tune in on MTV Asia's 天赖村 every day for my latest work! www.nadiahatta.com

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January 31, 2008