OMG!!!! That's a HeLL i cant get out of it.....
As this month JUN Planning gonna have a new DoLLs coming - "Neo Noir"....
And "Arion"
Last few month I miss 3 of them.....Shit!!!!
This One seems nice too...囧
How come they r such beauty this few months...
I just think I can stop to buy it....
If I buy it all.... I can have a CooL Leather Jacket la!!!
T^T....No space for my DoLL la...Orz....
But I LUV THEM so much.....
Actually If add the vaule of my DoLLs...
I can buy SD- Super DoLLfie...
60cm hight...1/6 human scale....
囧...Arrr.....My Dream DoLL...
DOD(which is a korea DoLL Company)This time have Vampire....So beautiful....
But SOLD OUT!!!!!SHIT!!!!
+50%Boylish:50%Girlish+ +Create for Visual+Make Everything Be Possible+ +?