Emotional months....
up and down....
Go to watch: + Anna Tsuchiya HEY YOU 1st Live in Hong Kong + It's Great~~~I can relax a bit!!!******At the beignning shot a "art" photo~~hahaa
just becos I 4got to change the setting~
********At between...I am being a good child~haha
havent shoot~~
Go to the encore part~~
Anna lead all ppl sang : Anarchy in the uk********LAst song: Anna sang a very fun and need move song~Fans go to the front of stage....However......My leg.....I cant do that even jump...shit>..<
********My lovely friend Olivia and Daniel was more higher then me at show ar~haha
Nice night~~~
*Mood comes back.....go to work work work!!!***
+50%Boylish:50%Girlish+ +Create for Visual+Make Everything Be Possible+ +?info@madhouselabstudio.com+