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Goth people not a must to be depress. People should allow to have emotions with different feelings and expressions. And I did finished puting all succulents in to the bow~Hopefully they will grow nicely! Feel so good to have some plants around~????What the best is you need to do it yourself!!:D It’s kinda release the stress too! Just feel great when see it done.~ Hopefully they’re not gonna destroy by Kaizer,he get so much interesting to bite the tall one??‍♀️??‍♀️??‍♀️ Thankyou all was being in Live to saw my progress, it was fun!!! Next live mostly will be at tmr same time! see you soon?~~

succulents #plants #gothgoth #gothic #gotihcmom #gothicgirl #alternative #alternativegirl #alternativemom #nature #lifestyle #fun

over 6 years ago 779 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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