Wow. I am officially terrible at blogging.
It seems that every time I post here, it's to apologise for being M.I.A. Once again, sorry guys! I've just recently come back from a month long hosting gig on the west coast! It was the first time I'd hosted a stage performance so big! It was incredibly nerve wrecking initially but once I got the hang of it, it was like being on a 2-hour long high. SO exhilarating!
I know a ton of people are on this but I've just gotten around to setting up my Weibo! It took FOREVER to figure out. That was definitely a reality check! I have to improve on my written Chinese!
Anyway, if you're on Weibo, feel free to add me!
I'm probably going to be posting on this more, seeing as my Twitter-verse & Facebook have been touch & go thanks to the Great Firewall of China.
Hope you're all well! :)
Xx Michele
To find out what I'm currently up to, follow me on twitter: