艺术总监, 说唱歌手, 画家
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new song from MC Yan coming Album...

MC仁 個人專輯「自行判斷」,今年夏天推出…新曲「一人…Solo...」 feat. Jan Lo, guitar by Paul Wong…https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8me8bMUzWXc

10 年多 前 0 赞s  1 评论  0 shares

new year of Horse...

happy new year… it's been a while but this year of 2014 will have a lot to share…music, art, soul experiences…etc.cheers

大约 11 年 前 0 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

happy outsider...

some updates for an old story...http://www.scmp.com/lifestyle/arts-culture/article/1286268/happy-outsider

11 年多 前 0 赞s  1 评论  0 shares

KungFuWildStyle artshow...

Thanks for y'all... Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lSf64HwokKk

12 年多 前 0 赞s  2 评论s  0 shares

my painting exhibition

dear all friends: Only 3 more days to see paintings from Fab 5 Freddy and me in Hong Kong... KungFuWildstyle exhibition: 66 Po Hing Fong, Sheung Wan , HK www.kungfuwildstyle.com 各位朋友,特別是從未看過小弟畫作的,告訴你們,畫展尚有三天便結束了,這次畫的畫,不大可以用照片形容,去看看吧: 香港上環普慶坊66號

12 年多 前 0 赞s  1 评论  0 shares

Kung Fu Wild Style screening...

19Oct Wildstyle screening Hidden Agenda... special thanks to: Hidden Agenda, 台長, Shelly Jenkins Pecot,Sean DinsmorePmfk AkaAhlip, Fab5Freddy...and ALL the guests!!! Lesson One is always the best!!! the painting exhibition goes on till 27th Oct: 66, Po Hing Fong, S...Read more

12 年多 前 0 赞s  1 评论  0 shares

Kung Fu Wildstyle Exhibition...

hey art lovers, on 19th Oct we gonna have free screen of WildStyle with Fab 5 Freddy(one of the earliest Graffiti writer), @HiddenAgenda, on 20th we will have exhibition opening, @Shueng Wan Po Hing Fong,pls check:www.kungfuwildstyle.comsorry guys i show my canvas so if you interested...dont miss!![](/attachments/2012/10/15/08/49148_201210150858011.thumb.jpg)

12 年多 前 0 赞s  4 评论s  0 shares

Live Painting Beijing

for a creative forum + street art jam...

接近 13 年 前 0 赞s  4 评论s  0 shares

NSBQxChillgun敏感暗處理 exhibition

an underground exhibition in Guang Zhou this Saturday @ Loft hidden people hidden item hidden message

接近 13 年 前 0 赞s  3 评论s  0 shares



english, cantonese, mandarin, french
Hong Kong
December 13, 2007