went to this event sharing my daily life experience such as riding to pick up dairy from the farm next to my village...blah blah...
yeah time to a Green Life...we all love green~~!!
one of my latest work...
please enjoyhttp://www.moleskine.com/aboutus/news/detourshanghai_1.php
another place in town for showing people the Authentic NSBQ design,
same story: "The MESSAGE"...有一些事情,無論如何,也需堅持...故事尚未完結...NSBQ Palestinian Scarf SunGlasses, Silver 1:35 AK soldiers@Blue Color, #/floor, Trendy Zone , Mong Kok
new song for Free Download
http://www.wildlazymf.com/this song based on the movie Zeigeist如果仲未聽得出歌詞內容所指,去睇完套電影「Zeigeist 時代精神」再消化吧
a small painting show @ BEP! shop address: BEP! , 1/floor, #63, Granville road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, HKfirst featuring Ques+Syanmore trains more canvas more walls coming...all local writers welcome to join!!!by the way, some NSBQ designs there too, the AK soldier series...special thanks to silverware by NutsBillyjust a sharingpeace一直被問及小弟的概念品牌「宁死不屈NSBQ」的事,也不知道如何回答,才能令大家明白多一點這方面的事... 首先,「宁死不屈NSBQ」的主要方針,是藉著設計製作,去實踐一些創作概念上,作品以外的比較平易的接觸公眾的平台,難處是工業生產,流水作業,只看市場,其實沉悶非常...我們的做法是,每件設計,除了設計、繪圖外,每一件的包裝,均經過小弟親手參與,非常山寨,卻有感覺!所以,我們的作品並不依隨流...Read more
see y'all Friday night...
peaceUntitled Entertainment presents
With Ghost Style &
Fu©kinMusic Team (MC Yan (of LMF fame)+DJ Prepare+DJ Frankie)
Hong Kong 3 March 2010: UNTITLED Entertainment is proud to present hip hop mastermind DJ Vadim and mistress of rhymes MC Yarah Bravo, live in Hong Kong on 26 March 2010.
Described as "on...Read more
http://news.mingpao.com/20100301/fab1.htm小弟也常常碰到這些小問題...常常聽到人說:「你太偏激了,太激進了! 不該!」...每次都令小弟想到,唉,在這21世紀這年代,難道你又能找到一個「應該讓自己變得更保守」的理由嗎? 只是也從來沒有聽過有人能這樣反問,因為每次那「保守」的一方,永遠有更大的大聲公(即所謂的權威),迫使那微弱的聲音讓其他人聽不見...10年前就已經係咁啦!!並唔認為你所謂既需要克制,會帶來公平,穩定壓倒一切?
when something illegal becoming somehow legal... use Force or Money to make something disappear, kinda sad...
Distortion of Rights...???Destruction of Rights...在即將要被合法/非法,威逼利誘,而失去土地家園的村落,做了一些簡單的快速Bombing...
在村民的邀請下,即席示範了如何用幾分鐘的時間,把一面墻變成一幅繪畫,大家都看得很開心,事後,也一起分享了一些思考:為何在人類的歷史上,每次開動「推土機」之前,總會有不公的事出現,欺壓、欺騙、掠奪...為何總會有「建設」,「開拓」等等「更進步」的理由...為始卻只見野蠻的行為...作終 ???這是否映照出:我們的社會,仍愛「以力量處理事情」...人的文明,仍然處於此等簡單模式... ???peace...Read more