artists give art a life, and it's even more beautiful when it is LIVE...
Live painting for the release of the NSBQ X Feiyue shoes+ presentation of the boxes footage by DJ Prepare
new program at my online radio's creative channel,
with my team NSBQ's core members and guests...every Tuesday evening 7pm, at:http://www.radiodada.hk每星期二晚上 七時,一個屬於 寧死不屈 小隊的網台節目,與大家分享情報
yeah this is the latest act of NSBQ... a limited edition of canvas shoes designed by syan a.k.a. MC Yan...and each of the shoe box being painted customized...when everybody is "Blowing" those so-called "cross-over" people show/explain the real story behind the "collabo"?當大家都在吹捧/吹噓 那些所謂的 cross-over聯名企劃的時候,又有誰會把每次聯名背後的故事,老老實實的呈現出來?哪/那位 藝術家/創作者,究竟實際上做了什麼?Video: Also, from now on...Read more
bombing of a village house... my new "Tin Can" home/workshop/gallery...Video:
different views from my new house/ workshop hidden somewhere in the north...
props to Mr. Mike Lau for all the picturesand more pictures on the NSBQ blog:
concerning the video here is the slam poetry made for it...m trying an English (or maybe French too...)see soonpeace
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a new piece, Slam Poetry by MC Yan @ 福建音樂 Fu©Kin Musicmusic by DJ Prepare @ 福建音樂Fu©Kin MusicJungle beat by Yaz @ Old Soulz/Fat Beat movie by DJ PreparepeaceVideo:
respect to Mr. Siuwe are so lucky that Youtube was invented...for the things which our government doesnt want people to see...and our mass medias follow and not showing to people... Video:
Peace to y'all...
introducing a vintage social game, a "New Game" which we all should enjoy together... No More Monopoly! No More War Game!peace & Happy 2009
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