So...I just want to say...too late on the no haircut thing. I got it done last Fri before I went for an audition for a competition that I'm participating in. It's called 2007雪碧我型我SHOW and it' sgoing to take place in Shanghai. You all will be able to vote for me online or by SMS messaging. I believe the show is a bit like American Idol....but there is a musical theatre theme...not meaning that the contestants will sing theatre...but...I will sing a bit of theatre! The winners are supposed to be able to do an original musical after the competition is over. I think that if I get to the end I will be competing till Sept! And...I hear that I need to prepare 40 to 60 songs....I'm probably going to sing half in English and half in anyone has any suggestions pls let me know....I need to learn more mandarin songs!!! I prefer songs that are a bit jazzy or musical theatre..heehee....some fast songs maybe...I've already got my dad on the search for some mandarin songs...the problem is that I need to get the songs translated into ping ying. By the way, I LOVE my new hair! it's lighter and everyone else who has seen it has told me that it looks there!